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Latitude and longitude coordinates


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If I look up Latitude and longitude coordinates for say New York in google I would get 40.730610, -73.935242. But in IoP under Configuration I see 40.7167, 74.0167. Not questioning the small absolute value differences but why is the longitude negative in one case and not the other?



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OK thanks guys. This caused me much confusion when I installed the weather node servers. I originally entered the latitude and longitude values for Toronto as taken from the IoP configuration into the node server's location field. The weather data that I was getting back from the node servers did not match very well with what was occurring locally here. When I entered the values from the google search, the node server weather data matched much better to what I was seeing locally. When I tried to correct the IoP longitude coordinate to be negative, I got an IoP error saying that it was illegal. 

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