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Elk Armed Status reported incorrectly as Armed Away


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My elk Node server is reporting my Elk Armed Status as "Armed Away" in the IoP AC (and IoP programs are seeing value "Armed Away"), when in fact the actual status is "disarmed". I have tried restarting elk Node server. Attached is a log file with debug+modules turned on. The restart of the elk Node server with debug+modules is at time 13:47:46 in debug.log

elk Node server is 3.3.5, IoP is 5.4.4


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Yes, this looks like a bug.  For some reason Polyglot thinks the last known value is 1 (Armed Away) so on restart that's what it's getting.  The bug is that the NS should set it to the current value received from the ELK but it's not doing that.  I'll have to fix that when I get home end of next week.

But, if you change the ELK to another arm state, then back to disarmed that should fix it, right?

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25 minutes ago, JimboAutomates said:

Yes, this looks like a bug.  For some reason Polyglot thinks the last known value is 1 (Armed Away) so on restart that's what it's getting.  The bug is that the NS should set it to the current value received from the ELK but it's not doing that.  I'll have to fix that when I get home end of next week.

But, if you change the ELK to another arm state, then back to disarmed that should fix it, right?

I tried changing elk to armed stay using a elk keypad. The elk Node server Armed Status in AC remained Armed Away. I then changed elk to disarmed using a elk keypad. The elk Node server Armed Status in AC remained Armed Away. I then closed the AC, and re-opened it. The elk Node server Armed Status in AC was now Disarmed. (The elk Node server was up and running throughout the test)

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