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Can not login

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I have not tried to log in to my Polisy for a few months.  I tried to login tonight and after entering the username and password then hitting Login, nothing happens.  I also tried the default admin, admin.  I tried to login in using putty using the default username and password (admin, admin) and I connected.  I don't think that I forgot my username or password, but it is possible.

Any suggestions?


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Restoring a PG3 backup will restore the username/password as well so that won't work.

UDI does have access to a password reset tool to reset the PG3 back to admin/admin but that tools isn't currently installed so UDI support would have to do that for you.

If you enter and invalid username or password, it should display a message saying "unauthorized". If you're not seeing that, try reloading the page.  If you're using https to access the PG3 UI, you need to "trust" the PG3 server's certificate after the browser complains about it being invalid.   It will only tell you this when you first try to load the UI.  Otherwise it behaves as you describe, nothing happens because the browser is blocking access to the PG3 server.

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