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Multiple device restore


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Having just gone through and removed a KPL (for a bad reason) I now have to restore every device that was once linked to it. Because my system is so heavily crosslinked that pretty much adds up to every device in the system - well over 100 of them.


It would be really handy - and this has occurred to me long before my most recent foray into the stupid - that it would be nice to have a 'restore all devices' or 'restore all devices in folder' or even a multiple selection restore.


Implementation shouldn't be too hard - just a queue algorithm and run them through one by one till they're all done or too many errors occur or user cancel.


This would be a GREAT way to bring your ISY and your devices totally into sync with one another.


There could even be an option to erase all existing links before restoring to guarantee a match between devices and ISY.



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Mark, whatever you do please do NOT keep restoring your devices. It's not going to help and it's going to leave your system is a much larger mess because ISY cannot efficiently communicate with your devices. So, you will be sitting there for hours at the end of which things are even at a more disarray.


With kind regards,


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