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Zooz outdoor motion sensor

Bob Chase

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11 minutes ago, Bob Chase said:

With my Insteon motion sensors failing, I bought a Zooz ZSE29 v2.0 motion sensor.  I cannot get ISY to even see the sensor.  Is the sensor too new for the ISY Z-Wave 4.55.00 firmware to handle?

Probably not. Id make sure you are on the latest ISY firmware for your ISY which is 5.0.16C.

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Yes, I'm on 5.0.16C.  I wish I could find an older Z-Wave motion sensor that I used to have to compare.  I've got a dog door setup that turns on the outside lights for 5 minutes.  Not so much for the dogs use but for the wife to watch the dogs...

The old Insteon sensors have started to randomly trigger.  Worse, when I disable the sensor, any programing related to the disabled sensor continues to function.  Which requires disabling the outside lights to get some sleep.

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