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Anyone have a good Thermostat Scheduling Program?


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Just curious if anyone has a good program (or folder of programs) that they use to schedule their thermostat.


If not, what is the best way to schedule the thermostat for different temperatures. I don't think it can be done with one program, but is the best way to use a program for each change? (ex. weekday morning program to set temp to 63 degrees at 8:30a; weekday evening program to set temp to 68 degrees at 4:30p so it is warm by the time we get home - does that make sense)


Just trying to not have to reinvent anything.




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I control mine with one weekend and two weekday programs. They are all the following structure:



If time of day is between x and y

On a b c d e days


then set temp to a


else set temp to b



At my business, I linked the t-stat to the light switch, lights on = heat, lights off = setback. My next step at home is to do the same at my entry KPL.

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  • 1 year later...

I agree that 2 configurations may not be enough, but the second post on here is a good start. Most people work Monday through Friday so the setting can be the same those days. On the weekends, this depends on your schedule and you could even set them differently for Saturday and Sunday. One question I have been thinking about is is there an override function. For example, let's say that I stay home sick from work, and I want a temperature all day that is more comfortable than my normal setting, can I simply go the control pad and make this happen?

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I have developed kind of a complex set of programs to run two thermostats, in a two furnace, three zoned house. Will be adding the third shortly. I also control the floor heating, but just for away/not away purposes.


I have four times of day, morning, day, night, late nite, varied a bit through the week to reflect my habits. Morning serves to warm the house up in cool seasons, night cools it down in the summer. Late nite steps it down a notch in temp as well.


I have five seasons, summer hot, summer, spring/fall, winter, winter cold, sensed by the outside high temp and wind chill.


Based on these variables, that are set independently by programs, I have a set of programs that drive the tstats for temps and mode. I also provide preference to one zone at some times of the day, allowing it to satisfy its calling before allowing the others to go full bore.


Of course I also have an away setting, that I can time out, or just log in and reset.


The result is quite nice. Before I had to fiddle with the tstats throughout the year, and things were never quite right day to day.


I could post a sampling of the code if you are interested.


* Orest

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oskrypuch wrote:

I also control the floor heating...


I could post a sampling of the code if you are interested.

I'm interested. I've set up an HVAC folder in my ISY that runs 1 furnace. But it controls heating when I'm away and fan for air filtering.


My floor heating is controlled by a line tstat and Venstar does not make one with Insteon control. I'm interested in solutions as I'm always forgetting to turn that down when I'm away.


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