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ISY Power Supply Failure Need Quick Replacement

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Hello all... My ISY power supply looks to have failed.  The green idiot light is pulsing fast along with the blue power light on the ISY.  Currently unplugged.  I have read several articles stating the ISY can operate within a wide range input voltage, 5-12 volts.  I'm looking for confirmation on this.  I actually have a Polisy, that is currently down as well.  Waiting on a USB dongle so the guys from UDI can remote into it to fix it.  Can I use the Polisy power supply while I order a replacement???  If  I can't use the Polisy PS, what should I look for regarding a replacement locally??  Thanks


Edited by dpierre
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Here's the troubleshooting lights from the WIKI, and yes if the connector fits you can use Polisy's, seems like my polisy has an adapter for the power connector.   I added RED to this...

Front Panel LEDs/Lights

  • Boot up sequence:
    • Power, RX&TX, momentary blink of Memory/RX and TX, and then Power only
  • Only Power Light Is On:
    • Most probably power supply related. You can try any power supply that outputs anywhere between 5 volt and 30 volts,center positive, 2mm barrel connector
  • Error light and Memory light blinking simultaneously: ISY is not able to get on the network.Please ensure:
    • The Network jack on the back of ISY is connected to your router
    • The lights on the Network jack have one steady on and the other one blinking. If not, check cable and connectivity to the router
    • Your router provides DHCP
    • There are no other devices on the network with the same IP address (IP Conflict)
      • If you have configured your ISY to use DHCP, then you will have to search your network for devices that might be in the same DHCP range as your router is providing
      • If you have configured your ISY with a static IP address, and as long as you have a good backup, you can Factory Reset your ISY and then restore a good backup (File | Restore ISY). Once prompted to change the network settings, choose No
  • Only Error light blinking: ISY cannot communicate with the SD Card. Please ensure:
    • The micro SD Card (on the front) is seated properly. Unplug ISY, remove the rubber cap, using a sharp object, push the micro SD Card in so that it pops out. Push it back in so it clicks in. Apply power to ISY
    • If reseating the micro SD Card does not work, you probably have a defective SD Card. Please consult Replacing/Formatting SD Card
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I have had a few power supplies on varied ISY controllers fail over time. Flashing power and other LED flashing was one of the symptoms.

5V to 30V is what the WIKI said. Last time I looked UDI was selling a 12V 1 Amp replacement.

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5 hours ago, jwagner010 said:

Does anyone know the voltage requirements for the POLISY? My current POLISY has a 5V 1A power supply, can the POLISY also be powered by the 12V 2A power supply that UDI sells for the 994i?

Yes. IIRC ISY and polisy have a wide range of tolerances for power supply, although 5V sounds a little low.

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