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Adjusting Ramp Rate on ZEN77


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I updated my second switch today the method @Athlon mentions of using HA.  A few observations and heads up for anyone that tries this.

1- Upgrading in HA is easy and quick

2- First switch firmware update in HA did not recognize my firmware correctly before or after upgrade

3- Today HA recognized my firmware correctly before update, but took a reboot of HA to get the new version to show

4- HA could not update the variables after an exclusion and inclusion back in to HA.  I tried on the device and in the Developer Tools, with the call service option

5- To do OTA on HA, I had to remove the Zooz Zen 77 from my Polisy.  Once the update was done an inclusion was needed again on Polisy

***Most if not all of these observations @Athlonhas mentioned, but I wanted to verify a second time and try a few other things to see if I could get different results.

***Warning doing this method you will get a new device ID in Polisy, so any programs etc won't recognize the old device id.

If someone reads this and can't get their device updated, but still needs the ramp rate adjustment this could be done with a couple of programs to fade up or fade down.  Its not perfect, but will get someone by that may not be able to do this otherwise.

Thank you @Athlonfor the fun project.  Definitely learned a few things along the way and learned an appreciation for Insteon with the ramp rate built in years ago.

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