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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

Counting Program


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A thought for a usefull feature/enhancement...


It would be very usefull for me to be able to have a program that counts recurring inputs. For example...I have a few sump pumps that I would like to monitor from the standpoint of knowing if there is excessive cycling occuring.


So the program would be something like:


if input a is switched on, then count=+1


And if a count is reached in a specified period of time, then the following program is uded to notify me.


if count is =/>x then notify.


There would have to be a method to reset the counter either via scedule or when a count number is reached.


I can see some useful benifits in a pool refill program, sprinkler program, motion sensor security program, etc, de-icing system...


perhaps this has been requested in the past, but I coudn't find it.


I know variables are coming, but I don't know if any thought has been put into the design. Here is my 2 cents:


I would like to see variables listed along with programs, with each variable having a name, a type, and an initial value (that would be set on startup/restart of the device). For variable types, I think you would want boolean, counter, and (possible future) enumerators.


For boolean, you would need a Actions for setting to True and False and Conditions for True and False (currently can be done with programs).


For Counters you would need Actions for increment, decrement, reset (to initial value), and perhaps set to a specific value, and Conditions for (Not) Less than, greater than, and equal to.


For enumerators, you would create valid value names when you created the variable. Actions would be set to value name and Condition would be equal and not equal value name.


Pretty basic stuff, but I thought I would share.

  • 7 months later...

I would like to know if there has been any progress in this request. I could see many uses for a counter program incorporated into the ISY.


Sounds like you have your hands full. I will take the liberty to finish your sentence.


All I can say is that we are working on it but the priority is the ISY/ELK integration. We hope to have finished before the end of the month.


How's that sound Michel?


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