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Changing Mutually exclusive buttons to scenes


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I went to assign 2 buttons on my KeypadLinc as mutually exclusive in 2.7.11, and I didn't see a "Mutually Exclusive" button like was there in previous versions. I clicked on "Buttons Grouping" and found Mutually Exclusive sets there, but it says that feature is being done away with, and should be done via Scenes now.


I created a scene with the 2 buttons:

-Button C: Controller

-Button D: Responder


But how do you tell the scene to turn button D off when C is on? There's no way to set the on/off status like in regular scenes with actual Insteon devices being controlled. The buttons are simply status LEDs, like "Home" vs. "Away". They are not linked to a module. Thanks!

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Hi CJVann,


You should be able to click on the controller button (say D) and then slide the slider for C to Off.


With kind regards,


I went to assign 2 buttons on my KeypadLinc as mutually exclusive in 2.7.11, and I didn't see a "Mutually Exclusive" button like was there in previous versions. I clicked on "Buttons Grouping" and found Mutually Exclusive sets there, but it says that feature is being done away with, and should be done via Scenes now.


I created a scene with the 2 buttons:

-Button C: Controller

-Button D: Responder


But how do you tell the scene to turn button D off when C is on? There's no way to set the on/off status like in regular scenes with actual Insteon devices being controlled. The buttons are simply status LEDs, like "Home" vs. "Away". They are not linked to a module. Thanks!

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You should be able to click on the controller button (say D) and then slide the slider for C to Off.

I had to delete the scene and make BOTH buttons controllers, otherwise there were no sliders to set on/off levels for the scene. Thanks!

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