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Node Servers not communicating with Polisy

Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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I just noticed that two Node Servers, SolarEdge & iAquaLink, that had been working are no longer ‘communicating’ with Polisy. I am not sure if this has anything to do with updating Polyglot to ver. 3.1.12. The TotalConnect Node Server I just added (post Polyglot update) does communicate with Polisy. (see file attached)

The Polyglot Dashboard shows the iAquaLink & SolarEdge Node Servers current Status as ‘Unmanaged’ and ‘No Details Available’; so there is no option or way to delete these Node Servers from Polyglot and re-install. I think I remember when this occurred once before that Mr. Bill had to remove the Node Servers from Polyglot on his end and then I could re-install the Node Servers. But my memory could be wrong.

Any guidance is appreciated.




Polyglot Node Servers20221101.104542.jpg

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@SSamuels is it possible the other two node servers are installed/managed by PG2 and not PG3 node servers? Or are you certain they're all PG3 node servers? If they were installed in the PG2 side they cannot be managed in PG3 and will show up this way.

Otherwise, since you've done the restart of PG3 try to restart each node server individually?

Can you see the logs of either to see if you notice any errors? Or look at the main PG3 log to see if any errors are seen to lead you toward resolution. 


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Thanks Geddy for the response. (BTW, can I assume you are a RUSH fan?)

I believe the two Node Servers were installed on PG2, but had been working on PG3. I attempted to login to PG2 to manage them, but received ‘User Not Found’

I don’t know how to ‘restart’ each Node Server in PG3.

Lastly, I am not skilled at reading the PG logs. The log I downloaded has only today’s entries.

What can I try next?

Thanks again



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9 minutes ago, SSamuels said:

BTW, can I assume you are a RUSH fan?

Yes...I am indeed. Best band ever!

As for your issues...if the node servers were installed using PG2 they've never been "managed" or showing working in PG3. You would need to log into PG2 web interface and either remove them there then install them again in PG3. Or leave them in PG2 and manage them from there. If they're working it should be okay until something else breaks. PG2 is no longer supported and most developers have moved on to focus on PG3 development and ongoing support for node servers. 

Not sure if you changed user ID for PG2 login, but try user = admin / pass = admin. If can't log in with that you might need to reset using the button on the front. Read the Wiki Polisy User Guide information about the multi purpose button. 

I'm not a professional log reader either, but looks like PG3 isn't talking to the ISY correctly. I think @bpwwer would be better able to review the log and give you further pointers on what needs to be updated/changed. 


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It trying to connect to an IoP at but is failing because the username or password is incorrect.

Please verify the username and password is configured properly in PG3 by going to ISYs -> Edit Current ISY

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Hi Geddy-

For the Node Servers iAquaLInk & SolarEdge PG3 does not have a 'Details' link, rather it shows 'No Details Available'. Is the resolution to this to ask the administrator to delete these two Node Servers from my PG3 account and have me re-install them?

Hi bpwwer-

The username and password for PG3 is correct; I verified by logging out and then logging back in. However, using the same username and password for PG2 results in a 'User Not Found' error.

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@SSamuels (first, to tag/mention somebody in the forums start with the @ then type their name and select it from the list below. It will put the blue oval around it as seen above for your name. This sends a forums notification to the person you mention to check the post. Otherwise, it is just luck that some return to prior posts if they don't know/think replies have been made.)


There are several places to enter credentials and different logins for different functions. So it's not all the same user/password combination (sadly). 

ISY994 has a user/password
ISY on Polisy (IoP) has a user/password
PG2 has a user/password
PG3 has a user/password

Each of these could be different if you've set them up to be different. So just logging out of PG3 and logging back in does not mean that PG3 knows the user/pass for ISY994/IoP.


First, let's get PG3 talking to the ISY correctly.

When you're logged into PG3 web dashboard/user interface (whatever it's called) 

Use the "ISYs" menu and "Edit Current ISY"


You should now have this window:



THIS is where you put the username/password for the ISY that you're using with PG3. It can either be a standalone ISY994 or the IoP service. This IS the username/password you use when you open Admin Console to work on the ISY. This IS NOT your PG2 or PG3 user/pass combination.  (unless you've made them all the same!)

Review the wiki for how to add ISY information: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#ISYs

Click "SAVE" and now PG3 should be talking with your ISY process. Confirm with the log that you no longer get the 401 errors or timeout errors I think you were getting earlier. 


Now, for PG2 logging in - that is NOT the same as the PG3 login. 

To access the PG2 dashboard use the same process you used to access PG3, but leave off the :3000. PG2 listens on standard :80 port.

So just type this:   https://polisy/ (or https://<your.polisy.ip.address>/   ***NOTE: Remove the portion of <your.polisy.ip.address> and use your actual Polisy IP address)

If it's been a while since you've been in PG2 dashboard you might get a security error. Hit details and proceed (or whatever your browser options are to proceed to the site). This is mentioned here for PG3, but applies to PG2 also in this case: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Polisy_(PG3)_Dashboard

(I don't think this is an issue since you say it's giving you error when you try to log in on PG2, but just making sure)


Now, on PG2 it's a DIFFERENT password than PG3. So if you don't remember it then you need to reset the credentials for the Polisy. That process can be found here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Polisy:User_Guide#Reset_Credentials

Make sure you know this only resets the credentials for PG2, SSH, and IoP. It does not reset PG3 or standalone ISY994 credentials. 


Now, to "fix" the PG2 node servers. Once you're logged into PG2 you have two options.

1) You can keep managing them in PG2 if they are working for you.

2) You can remove them through the process on PG2 (remember, it's a two step process - you have to delete them then uninstall them from the NodeServer Store menu). 

If you remove them from PG2 then you can add them in PG3 if you wish. This way you would only maintain the node servers in the PG3 dashboard.  I know you said somehow you've managed them before in PG3, but @bpwwer has always said that PG3 CANNOT manage PG2 Node Servers. So it's doubtful that you've actually managed any PG2 installed NS from the PG3 dashboard. 


1 hour ago, SSamuels said:

Is the resolution to this to ask the administrator to delete these two Node Servers from my PG3 account and have me re-install them?

Who do you think is the administrator of PG2 or PG3? That is usually yourself. Unless you've had somebody setup the Polisy for you and they have an admin account and you're not admin user. The above steps should clear this up for you. But up to you to make the choice of what to do with the PG2 node servers you have installed.


Oh....one more thing...the ISY setup in PG2 is a little different than in PG3. That information is entered under the Settings -> Polyglot Settings tab



Then entered in the "ISY Settings" area:


Enter the Address/Hostname of your ISY  (Use just the IP address of standalone ISY994 - no "http" needed. I think "localhost" will work for IoP, but I don't use IoP on PG2 so cannot confirm.)

  • Enter Admin Console User/Password credentials.
  • Scroll to the bottom and hit SAVE



Hopefully this helps you out! Let me know how it turns out.

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First, thank you for the detailed guidance – especially the tag/mention information. I appreciate it.

Here is where I am:

·         PG3 is talking to the ISY

·         I reset the credentials for the Polisy using the one push of the multi-function button, logged in to PG2 using the default user name & password (and changed the UN & PW)

·         I removed iAquaLink & SolarEdge Node Servers from PG2 on the Dashboard and un-installed them NS store purchases.

·         In the AC I removed iAquaLink from slot 3 in the Node Server - Configuration

·         Relauching PG3 the Dashboard shows iAquaLInk NS(3), ‘No Details Available’. (see file #1).

·         When I select ‘Purchases’, iAquaLInk, TotalConnect & Solar Edge are shown. iAquaLink shows an expiration date of 2024-11-01 (I just purchased two years). When I select ‘(Re)Install’ for iAquaLInk, I get a notice to Purchase iAquaLInk that states ‘You currently do not have a valid license for this version of iAquaLink. (see file #2). I am guessing this is a version issue in that the previously installed iAquaLink NS was a prior version.

It looks like I can install the purchased iAquaLink subscription into any slot EXCEPT slot 3. Before I do this or install the other purchased NS’s, should I pursue removing iAquaLink(3) from PG3? If so, any further guidance would be much appreciated.

Thanks again for your time.




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22 minutes ago, SSamuels said:

·         In the AC I removed iAquaLink from slot 3 in the Node Server - Configuration

Why did you do this step? If you deleted the node server from PG2 and uninstalled it you could have just re-launched Admin Console (if it was open) and the node server should have gone away on its own. I wonder if you've caused some sort of conflict in PG2 now. Especially since it is still showing as unmanaged in PG3. 

Close Admin Console (if you have it open) for the time being. Let's keep that closed while you work on Polyglot side.

What does your dashboard in PG2 now show? Is it showing anything for iAquaLInk?

While in PG2 make sure you uninstalled iAquaLInk in the "Polyglot NodeServer Store". If it just shows "Install" button then that's okay. 

Check the Log just to see if there are any errors being made. 

You might need to run a "Restart Polyglot" from the PG2 side to possibly clear out anything processing in that system. Check the log again after you restart Polyglot. NOTE: do NOT restart the Polisy! (not at this point yet)

Were there any errors in the PG2 log?

No, go back to PG3 dashboard. Is iAquaLInk still showing there?

If it is at this point there's a possibility a dictionary might be corrupt and not clearing that slot. That's a job for UDI Support. 

Submit a Ticket:       https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets


32 minutes ago, SSamuels said:

         PG3 is talking to the ISY

Glad you got this part cleared up.


Good luck! Let me know how it goes. 


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Thanks again.

·         The dashboard in PG2 does not show anything for iAquaLink

·         iAquaLink shows ‘Install’ in the PG2 NS store

·         In PG2 I restarted Polyglot and once I logged in to PG2 again, the log does NOT show any errors

·         Logged in to PG3, iAquaLink is still showing with ‘No Details Available’

I will open support ticket.

Thanks very much for all your help.

Happy Friday!

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5 minutes ago, SSamuels said:

I will open support ticket.

Thanks very much for all your help.

Happy Friday!

Sorry couldn't get it sorted out for you. Hopefully support will get you all setup soon.

Happy Friday to you as well! Enjoy the weekend ahead! It's a hour longer!


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  • Solution
1 hour ago, SSamuels said:

·         When I select ‘Purchases’, iAquaLInk, TotalConnect & Solar Edge are shown. iAquaLink shows an expiration date of 2024-11-01 (I just purchased two years). When I select ‘(Re)Install’ for iAquaLInk, I get a notice to Purchase iAquaLInk that states ‘You currently do not have a valid license for this version of iAquaLink. (see file #2). I am guessing this is a version issue in that the previously installed iAquaLink NS was a prior version.

The (re)install button is a brand new feature of 3.1.13 and it appears that there are some bugs that still need to be worked out.  Please go to the Node Server Store and select the iAquaLink node server.  In the detail purchase page, it should show an install button there and that button should allow you to install using your existing license.

However, before you do that, please verify that PG3 is really able to communicate with the ISY.   If it is, then you've tripped one of PG3's features that tries to prevent accidental node server removal.

If PG3 has node servers listed in it's database for an ISY, and it queries the ISY and gets back that no node servers are installed, it doesn't really know if there are no node servers as maybe you reset the ISY and are restoring it from backup. So it basically does nothing.  As soon as you add a node server to the ISY, PG3 will then realize that the list coming from the ISY is valid and will clean up any slots in it's database that don't match what's on the ISY.

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