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I only forward port 80.


I use port 800 externally and internally use port 80.


My ISY is on port - so my forward looks like this


TCP forward

external port - 800

internal port - 80

destination IP -


My WAN IP (given to me by my ISP and visible in the status section of your router or even easier - just go to whatismyip.com) is, say, - so when I'm away I log on to


The reason I use 800 instead of 80 is that some ISP's scan their IP range for web servers and will give you grief if they find one. If you don't care about this you can just forward your port 80 and skip the :800 part as http will take you to port 80 by default.



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Hello Arthur,


As Mark suggested in great detail, you should be using the external IP address (you can usually find this under the status tab in your router's admin pages).


Unlike Mark, I would have to totally discourage you from opening port 80 simply because all the traffic between you and ISY will be clear text and thus anyone could sniff/replay and even capture your credentials. Please do stick with port 443.


With kind regards,


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Hi grossmd,


Excellent. What you need to do is:

1. Assign a static IP address for your ISY (Configuration/System tab)

2. Make sure the static IP address for your ISY is not in the DHCP range for your router

3. Have your router forwarded to the address set in 2

4. Get a free dynamic dns account such as DynDNS.com, ods.org, etc. (one that your router supports) and configure your router with it.



In short, we are making your router accessible via a name (dynamic dns) rather than an IP. So, even if your IP changes, you can access your system because dyn dns takes care of mapping between IP and name.


With kind regards,


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