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Heat/Cool State can not be used for any programs


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The PG3 version has a similar problem to the PG2 version.  The Heat/Cool State shows correctly on the device screen (Idle, Heating, Cooling ...). However, the Heat/Cool State can not be used for any programs.  Currently I am using a workaround to look at Mode and Fan State (check if On) to know if it is running, but would be nice to be able to use Heat/Cool State in programs.    It doesn't trigger regardless of value and you can see in the programs the if statement is never true regardless of the value used in the statement.

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It was indeed a "quirk" in Polyglot. When you recreate nodes in Polyglot on restart, even if you initially set the UOMs for the drivers to their default values, Polyglot updates them to the UOMs stored in the database for the node (for nodes (thermostats) that were already created). I have uploaded yet a new version to implement a fix that changes the UOM back to the intended default after the update. Note that the UOM for CLIHCS will continue to show in the Polyglot Dashboard as 66 - no way to fix this without deleting and re-adding your thermostats.

The new version is v3.0.11. Let me know if it is working.

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