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"Device is unresponsive"


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As of a few weeks ago, Alexa is complaining that a "Device is unresponsive" after triggering a voice command for an Insteon device/scene on my ISX (Polisy). All commands are typically executed correctly and all seems to be working fine.

I disabled/re-enabled the skill, but this did not help. 

Any idea what's going on?



@waffles was going to reply sooner when I saw this, but was on a mobile device and was difficult to type.

Was going to suggest doing just that. Especially the trouble devices.

Typically I suggest people log into https://alexa.amazon.com/ (Smarthome -> Devices) and remove devices from there then tell Alexa/Echo to discover devices and try it out. If still trouble then remove again (if they appeared on the site again) and then perform a refresh/sync from UD Portal (button on the far right)



If it was a few weeks it's possible that it could have been during one of the few outages that hit earlier this month. Then @bmercier suggested to re-enable the skill to re-link the portal account should have fixed it. 


1 hour ago, Geddy said:

... and then perform a refresh/sync from UD Portal (button on the far right)


The refresh button on the right only refreshes the UI with the content from the server. It's only useful if the UI is opened from several devices at the same time.

If the intent is to sync the devices with Alexa, the best way is to ask "Alexa, discover my devices". The sync is always from portal to Amazon. Not the opposite.



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Thanks guys!
@bmercier, @Geddy

It would be nice to be able to make a full back up of the Portal settings. The current export function to cvs does not cover all the necessary commands and/or settings. 

Even nicer would be to be able to restore such a backup at a later stage. 

(This would only leave the somewhat tedious clean-up/rebuild part in Alexa, e.g.  rebuilding Groups, but that's a different department/company :-))

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