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Verifying instructions on the migration to eisy

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 I have been looking at the Wiki instructions on the migration to eisy and I have several questions, which I highlighted in red. I will also send this to UD as a ticket.



Migrating from 994/Polisy to eisy

Note Z-Wave nodes are not automatically migrated: Note Z-Wave migration can only be done from 994/500 Series board

This means that (currently) migration can not be done from Zooz Dongle ?

  1. Make sure the ISY994 is already upgraded to 5.3.4I guess that 5.5.2 is ok 

  2. The eisy OS should be at level 13.1 or greater. Just in case - Note the IP address of the ISY994 and the eisy. Where can I check that eisy OS is at 13.1 or greater ?

  3. Backup your 994's Z-Wave dongle (Admin Console | Z-Wave | Utilities | Backup | Full) There is no Z-Wave / Utilities / Backup in the AC of my Polisy but I see that option in the eisy AC.

see picture Zwave Polisy

  1. Backup your 994 (Admin Console | File| Backup ISY). Note where you placed the backup of the ISY994 it will be needed in step 7.

  2. Plugin the PLM to your eisy

  3. Restore the backup of the ISY994 on the eisy (Admin Console | Help | Restore ISY) from the location saved in step 2

  4. Log back in to IoX and make sure INSTEON Support is enabled (default username/pwd = admin/admin)

    1. If this is a new PLM, Restore the PLM

  5. If you have Z-Wave

    1. Make sure Z-Wave Support is enabled

  6. Reconfigure any software utilizing the ISY994 to point to the IoP (From Step 4), restart the other software, if necessary. What software do you refer to (examples) ?

  7. If you have ISY Portal on your 994, follow these instructions to migrate your account, license, and Alexa/Google Home settings

    1. This will also migrate all node server licenses from your Polisy to eisy

  8. If you have Network Resources, please make sure you open and save each and every one individually

  9. Make a backup of your newly configured IoX.

Migrating Node Servers to PG3

  1. Backup PG3 on Polisy

  2. Restore from PG3 backup on eisy

  3. Currently the backup/restore process assumes the IoX isn't changing so it restores everything pointing to the original IoX (i.e. back to the Polisy or 994). As such:

  • In PG3 Dashboard, click on ISY | Edit Current and make sure the host is localhost (or, port is 8080, and HTTPS is not checked I don’t see host, but I see Name , IP, Port, Username and Password. The IP is set as the IP of my eisy. Must this be changed to localhost ?

  • In IoX Admin Console, for each Node Server

    • Node Servers | Configure | Slot | <Name> - make sure host is localhost or, port is 8443, SSL is checked Same question as above, it is ok to have the IP set as the IP of my eisy or should it be localhost ?

See picture eisy Node Server slot

This image is the slot of a Node Server that I added to the eisy directly, without migration


zwave polisy.jpg

eisy nodeserver slot.jpg


Untitled 1.pdf

Edited by asbril
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22 minutes ago, asbril said:

This means that (currently) migration can not be done from Zooz Dongle ?

Correct. This has been covered a few times on here and from Michel. Its still being worked on.


27 minutes ago, asbril said:

Make sure the ISY994 is already upgraded to 5.3.4I guess that 5.5.2 is ok 

This is for ISY994 users. Doesnt apply to Polisy especially since you're already on the latest version.


34 minutes ago, asbril said:

eisy OS is at 13.1 or greater

The instructions are in the wiki under "polisy OS versions. You will have to SSH into your polisy and run sudo uname -a


37 minutes ago, asbril said:

There is no Z-Wave / Utilities / Backup in the AC of my Polisy but I see that option in the eisy AC.

This is for ISY994 not polisy. There currently is not a migration tool for the usb stick to zmatter.


40 minutes ago, asbril said:

What software do you refer to (examples) ?

Home Assistant and Homeseer are 2. whatever 3rd party software people may have connected. Without this, their systems wont connect to eisy.


43 minutes ago, asbril said:

 I don’t see host, but I see Name , IP, Port, Username and Password. The IP is set as the IP of my eisy. Must this be changed to localhost ?

Michel will want to clarify this for you but i assume host name is "name" in the dashboard.

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2 minutes ago, lilyoyo1 said:

Correct. This has been covered a few times on here and from Michel. Its still being worked on.


This is for ISY994 users. Doesnt apply to Polisy especially since you're already on the latest version.


The instructions are in the wiki under "polisy OS versions. You will have to SSH into your polisy and run sudo uname -a


This is for ISY994 not polisy. There currently is not a migration tool for the usb stick to zmatter.


Home Assistant and Homeseer are 2. whatever 3rd party software people may have connected. Without this, their systems wont connect to eisy.


Michel will want to clarify this for you but i assume host name is "name" in the dashboard.

As always @lilyoyo1you are the best and thanks for helping me understand this better.  Now it makes a lot more sense. I know that a lot has been posted, but some were confusing. Thanks again & Happy New Year. Having to wait for the Zooz-to-eisy migration.

Edited by asbril
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3 minutes ago, asbril said:

As always @lilyoyo1you are the best and thanks for helping me understand this better.  Now it makes a lot more sense. I know that a lot has been posted, but some were confusing. Thanks again & Happy New Year. Having to wait for the Zooz-to-eisy migration.

My pleasure. Happy New Year to you as well. Im sure you're itching to get your migration done

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1 minute ago, lilyoyo1 said:

My pleasure. Happy New Year to you as well. Im sure you're itching to get your migration done

Yes I am itching but at the same time I don't want to put more pressure on Michel and Chris. They are great people. Somehow it is their fault :-) for giving me that itch. One thing that I am eager to explore is the use of Scenes in Zwave. While most likely not as thorough as with Insteon, apparently a lot better with the ZMatter board than before.

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6 minutes ago, asbril said:

Yes I am itching but at the same time I don't want to put more pressure on Michel and Chris. They are great people. Somehow it is their fault :-) for giving me that itch. One thing that I am eager to explore is the use of Scenes in Zwave. While most likely not as thorough as with Insteon, apparently a lot better with the ZMatter board than before.

For some of the things you've talked about, it should be enough. Especially for simple things like multi-way switching or lights controlled by motion sensors. 

I prefer the flexibility of programs to directly linked devices but it'll be something that you'll have to decide on. With you using zwave, you don't have the same flexibility that insteon has so your mileage will vary. Let us know how you like it. 

You could always get a switch and sensor and start testing things. 

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@asbrilYour instructions look GREAT! For the insteon folks, one more thing I would add is to, at a "quiet time" when insteon traffic is low, I would click through each Insteon device and do a "Restore Device." Over the years, I've been surprised to find that several times the device link table of one or more devices has had one or two corrupted entries.

For me, this is easy as I have a folder of All OFF scenes and can open this up and just click down through the devices.

Not urgent or essential but maybe a good thing to do as we move onto this "spiffy new" era of ISY.


P.S. You are off the hook as far as coming to Vancouver to help rebuild my z-wave. :) Chris found the problem was 4 overly-chatty Z-Wave socket energy reporting.


Edited by gviliunas
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For all, Let's wait and all be patient (starting with me).  We can be sure that Michel and Chris are well aware of the issues and they must be working almost day & night to give us the best possible migration.

As far as I am concerned, I have a well working setup on Polisy and as much as I have the itch to move everything to eisy and explore new features, it does not really matter whether that happens tomorrow or in a month. In July I ordered another tech product that I was supposed to get in October and now the eta is for the end of January. Some of us like the enjoyment of new gadgets,  but I rather have a delayed well working product than something flawed because it was rushed. From experience we know that Michel and Chris are perfectionists, so as of now patience & respect is my attitude.

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