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eISY + Polyglot v3 + Kasa Node Server = Problems

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Firmware & UI of IoX: v5.4.5


We took the plunge and bought 2 eISY's to replace my isy994zw's. I got the Z-Wave USB's on the way as well. But let's focus on the Polyglot v3 node servers not connecting and lets start with Kasa since I have a quiet a few of those already in use and ready to pre-configure the eISY to replace the old.

Kasa Node Server: PURCHASED $30 Perpetual [✔️]

Kasa Node Server Installed [✔️]

Kasa Node Server Connected: []

No log files available to view. If I go into Poly then click configure for Kasa(1) [on node 1] and then click Log. There is a absolutely no logs at all. 

If you click Discover. Nothing happens.

Does the node server show up in UDAC?
Yes, however no discovered nodes are listed.

I attached 5 Screen Shots.

Let me know what else is needed to help resolve this. Once I can resolve one Node Server I can move to the next. 








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11 minutes ago, TRI0N said:

Firmware & UI of IoX: v5.4.5

First off...your eisy needs to be updated. Your PG3x version needs to be 3.1.18. And in the process will probably upgrade IoX to 5.5.3.


There were bugs in PG3x 3.1.16 that did not allow node servers to install or run properly. That was fixed in 3.1.17 and further updated in 3.1.18. 

To update please use the Admin Console -> Configuration Tab -> Upgrade Packages

Please see the release info for both releases in the Current Release Announcement area of the forums.

ALLOW A LOT OF TIME for the upgrade to process. Some have suggested even allowing 30 minutes. There is a lot of processing going on. The eisy does not have a speaker so there will not be any beeps and no flashing status lights so there's currently no way to really know when it's done. Just allow a lot of time.

Note, that it's possible that your user/password might reset to admin/admin, but I cannot confirm that is happening. 

Once updated you should "reinstall" the node server. Do NOT remove and re-install, but just find the button to "reinstall" in your "purchases tab" in PG3x. 


Report back after doing these steps and let us know if fixed or if other issues exist. 

Good luck.


PS: If you allow enough time for the update to process and it did not update PG3x or IoX then you might need to open a support ticket. I know on Polisy there were issues updating beyond IoX at one point, but forget the version number that additional SSH steps were needed. Support would be able to assist with that information.

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Humm... One problem. I'm 100% deaf. The confirmation beeps (4 + 1) as noted in the Current Release Announcement will be a bit of a mystery to me. Can you give a rough ETA of when this should finish the upgrade.

Note: I did do the steps in the Current Release Announcement and clicked the Update Packages, The UDAC closed after a few moments and I let it sit for about 15 mins before I unplugged it and then plugged it back in. I launched the UDAC and it's still 5.4.5 and Poly is still 3.1.16.

Do I need to do a flash drive update to make this happen from 5.4.5 to 5.5.3 and 3.1.16 to 3.1.18? Do I obtain that through a support ticket if needed?


Standing by,


Edited by TRI0N
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Once I read that you can SSH into the unit I performed them following sudo commands:

sudo pkg install -r udi pkg

sudo pkg update

sudo pkg upgrade pkg

sudo reboot -r

That got me fixed and updated all the necessary library files and works far better for me than auditable tones. LoL

PS - Didn't need to Re-Install Node Serves as suggested it found everything accordingly after sudo commands and a reboot.




Edited by TRI0N
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5 hours ago, TRI0N said:

Humm... One problem. I'm 100% deaf. The confirmation beeps (4 + 1) as noted in the Current Release Announcement will be a bit of a mystery to me. Can you give a rough ETA of when this should finish the upgrade.

Agreed, the "announcement" still mentions the beeps, but I mentioned in my reply that the eisy doesn't have a speaker so the beeps don't matter anyway. Those instructions were written for Polisy users and are still being used (even for eisy updates).  I also mentioned in my reply perhaps allowing 30 minutes as some have suggested they waited that long and it was ready to fly. It has been a while since I ran old updates and I don't time how long I wait as I'm usually off doing other things and come back to it much later. 


5 hours ago, TRI0N said:

Do I need to do a flash drive update to make this happen from 5.4.5 to 5.5.3 and 3.1.16 to 3.1.18?

No. I don't get why people assume that flashing the hard drive helps. It's not needed...and there's other ways to handle it.


4 hours ago, TRI0N said:

That got me fixed and updated all the necessary library files and works far better for me than auditable tones. LoL

Great! I was going to give you a link to other steps that would have resolved it, but glad these worked. They aren't the suggested route now because one of the steps might upgrade everything and things in freeBSD have been known to break things in UDI's setup in the past. So now that you're at this point please just keep up to date by following the "Upgrade Packages" button. 

4 hours ago, TRI0N said:

PS - Didn't need to Re-Install Node Serves as suggested it found everything accordingly after sudo commands and a reboot.

Glad you got lucky with one that did. Many others have posted even after upgrade the NS didn't start or didn't feed the nodes to the IoX system correctly. That's why the reinstall was needed. Make sure it's working as expected on Admin Console. You might still need to reinstall for it to properly handle everything. 


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