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Firmware 2.7.13 BETA is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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This sounds like ISY is not able to send events to the Admin Client. Do you get status change events from your devices? What firewall software do you have? When you cleared the cache, were all your browser windows closed?

Yes, I've flushed the cache after closing all browsers and applications. Then rebooted. I have turned off all antivirus/antispyware/IPS/firewall and still the same problem. I've also tried over https.


I have noticed that I can get status updates for a few seconds before a second login prompt appears. After I login again, then pop-up windows and status changes are not reflected. Also, the icons in the nav all have red exclamation points when the login prompt is waiting again, but change back to normal when I press "ok". This second login happens anywhere from 1 to 20 seconds after logging in.


The only other change since upgrading was to remove and re-add my v2 thermostats.



I think you are referring to folders, correct? If so, this is a known issue and shall be fixed shortly.

Yes I meant folders. Good to know you're working on it.



This is why I am wondering that perhaps you do not have the latest Admin Console (your system is using the cached copy). For KPLs, you should see an on level and off level the total combination of which is 32. Of course, this would only work for later version of KPLs than 2D.

You mentioned in the thread http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=4115&highlight=led+brightness that "KPL 2D and above" are supported.

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Hi Genstr,


The fact that you get the second login prompt points to some networking issues. What firewall software do you have.


Yes, LED brightness is supported for KPL 2D and above however the prerequisites are:

1. ISY Admin Console must report the version for your KPL as a number above 2D (not 00)

2. You must be using the latest URL ... using /99i will not work. So, please try http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.13/admin.jnlp


I am more concerned about the double login and status issues. Please do let us know so that perhaps we could setup a tech support session to login to your computer and see what's causing all the issues.


With kind regards,


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I have noticed that I can get status updates for a few seconds before a second login prompt appears. After I login again, then pop-up windows and status changes are not reflected. Also, the icons in the nav all have red exclamation points when the login prompt is waiting again, but change back to normal when I press "ok". This second login happens anywhere from 1 to 20 seconds after logging in.


I have the same problem, since about 2.7.10a I believe.


It happens on multiple machines over both SSL and HTTP ports.


I typically launch the JWS app directly rather than going through a browser. MacOS 10.6.2, no firewall software.



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Hi Jeff,


Thank you. Would you be kind enough to go to Java Preferences and look at the order of JVMs. If you have a 64 bit machine, then the 64 bit version should be listed first.




The 64-bit version is listed first in both sections. My java version:


[jeffm@fuji Desktop]$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_17"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04-248-10M3025)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.3-b01-101, mixed mode)


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Upgraded to 2.7.13 onISY-26, using local ip. Upgrade went easily. I then added v2 thermostat adapter and it did not display add'l nodes in console. Also noticed that status was not updating. Realized that I did not set mode to off. Removed thermostat. Set thermostat off, factory reset adapter and added back using link mgmt, start linking , and had same result. Not sure how to proceed. Thank you.



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