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Migration clarification of Z-wave backup/restore

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My EISY has arrived!

I have been going over the migration instructions. I am migrating from an ISY-994 with the 500 series z-wave board. The instructions call for me to make a backup of the z-wave network and then a general backup of the ISY. Then power it down.

In the migrating section under the "If you are migrating your z-wave network" it says that if you are migrating from ISY-994 to just use the general backup. Will this restore my z-wave? Do I need to restore the z-wave backup as well or is the backup just in case something goes wrong?



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Make sure you follow the migration steps in the wiki:



Then on the eisy you should follow these directions:


I did not use Z-wave in my ISY994 so did not have to worry about those steps so can't help directly. But the steps should be enough to follow.

They were originally in this post so perhaps some discussion there would help with more details. 

I'm not sure what directions you are referring to. 

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I am referring to the directions in the wiki (your first link). I will have created a z-wave backup of my ISY, but the only z-wave directions in the wiki are for if I am migrating from an Eisy or Polisy. Because it simply states "if migrating from ISY use that backup" I am wondering if that will bring in the z-wave automatically. I will browse the thread you linked. Thank you. Copied and pasted from from wiki instruction:

If you are migrating your Z-Wave network

  • If you aren't already using it, plug in your ZMatter Z-Wave dongle and unplug any other Z-Wave dongle you may have been using.
  • (Polisy only) If you have a ZMatter Z-Wave board then power down Polisy, add it, then power on again.
  • Reboot Eisy / Polisy
  • Use (Admin Console | File | Restore ISY) to restore your "migration" backup
  • If you are migrating from Eisy / Polisy use the migration backup (e.g. "ISY-BackupWithZWaveMigration.v5.5.4__Sat 2023.01.21 09.07.44 AM")
  • If you are migrating from ISY-994 use your ISY-994 backup
  • When IoX restarts, it automatically does the following:
  • Writes you Z-Wave network into the ZMatter Z-Wave controller
  • Interviews every Z-Wave device in the Z-Wave nework, creating/updating nodes, programs and scenes.
  • This process can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for each device depending on the complexity of the device.
  • The best way to monitor the progress is to open the Admin Console Event Viewer to level 3
  • For those who want lots of low-level details, you can also use this from the command line: tail -f /var/isy/FILES/LOG/ZWAY.LOG
  • If you don't actually change your Z-Wave network by adding/removing Z-Wave devices after migration, you can back out the migration by connecting whatever Z-Wave dongle you were using before migration and restoring the backup you made prior to migration.
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The "Migration backup" is only created if you're migrating locally or from Polisy to eisy ("You can migrate locally on the same Eisy / Polisy or to another Eisy / Polisy.") in this section of the wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Preparing_for_Migration_from_Eisy_/_Polisy

There is no migration backup when coming from the ISY994.

My guess is that when you run the Z-Wave backup on the ISY994 that it saves a file (I don't know, never used z-wave on ISY994). If so, then I'd say this is where you restore the Z-wave backup. Not just an ISY994 backup. If the Z-Wave backup process doesn't make its own file, but puts a z-wave backup into the ISY994 backup that you run then it should be included in there. It could be just missing the words "Z-Wave backup" in that step. I don't know.

Since it is kind of unclear perhaps somebody that used Z-Wave on the ISY994 can chime in to help or you can open a ticket to get clarification on the process. 


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Thank you. I think my plan will be to do the z-wave backup, then the ISY backup. If I have two files I will restore from the ISY backup first. If the z-wave comes over, great! If not I will us the z-wave backup. All in all I only have six z-wave devices, so I can start the z-wave from scratch again. I am also using a different PLM for the Insteon side of things (USB whereas the ISY has a serial unit). So I will already have a few extra steps.


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Just thought I would provide an update on how things went. I followed all the instructions: make a z-wave backup in ISY994, make a backup of the ISY, power down the ISY, connect and power up the EISY, upgrade packages, enable z-wave and Insteon, restore from backup, restore PLM (using a USB unit instead of the serial).

It didn't go perfect, but nothing caught fire either. I have problems with most of the z-wave devices and some Insteon devices:

The only z-wave device that seems to have migrated successfully is my Weiser deadbolt lock. I can unlock and lock it and I also get the locked status updated when lock is operated manually. I don't have the battery level information yet, but I am going to leave it alone and see if it shows up later. All the others had the indicator that the device is being written to next to it, except for the two Leviton dimmers and two Leviton switches and the Zooz 4 in 1 sensor. The Zooz device had the expected "placeholder". I woke it up and did the sync "update with interview", and it sort of worked. However, all it tells me is the battery percentage. I don't get the humidity, light level, temperature, or motion.

The two Leviton z-wave dimmers I have are controllable, but their hails are not seen in the event viewer. As such the EISY is not updating when the dimmers are operated manually.

The two Leviton switches I have for bathroom fans are doing the same. Running a query does update the EISY, but because the hails aren't seen my program to query the devices upon hail is not run.

Finally the Fibaro Smart Implant that is monitoring the outside door statuses through the security rough in as well as controlling the humidifier isn't communicating and has red "!" next to all its nodes and gives me "request failed" messages when I try to communicate with it.

As for the Insteon, All the wired in switches and plugs seem to be operating just fine. The Open/Close sensors on the pantry and laundry closet didn't initially work when I did the restore PLM. I turned off "Automatically write changes" and then turned it back on. I was notified that I had devices that needed to be put in the programming mode. I did this and then clicked "Ok" and now they are in just fine.

The two Insteon leak sensors haven't update the EISY with any information, but I assume that happens when the heartbeat is sent out, so I am not worried about it yet and will check again later.

The thermostat has me a little concerned. I had a lot of trouble getting it to work with my old ISY when I first got it. It did not want to communicate. It took a lot of trouble shooting, including isolating the thermostat from the furnace control board wiring. Instead I have it on its own power supply controlling two relays, one for the fan and one for the heat. So far tonight trying to manually change the thermostat settings from the admin console only works some of the time. Also changing things on the thermostat doesn't update the EISY unless a query is run. However, so far my program to run the furnace fan for five minutes on the hour every hour has worked without fail. Granted, it has only been three times so far.

I think my best bet may be to remove the z-wave devices and then reconnect them. It won't be tonight though. It is getting late where I live.





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I couldn't let it go. I removed and then added the Zooz 4 in 1 sensor. Operation successful. Big change is the increased security feature. I had to put the pin number that is listed inside the device into the EISY before it would be added. I now also receive more information in that it tells me if the device is awake or not. I have to re-add it to my programs now, but it should work just fine.

I will update when I get to play with the other devices.



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A further update:

The Insteon water sensors were updated when they sent their heartbeats as expected. The thermostat also seems to be happy. So everything Insteon is working fine.

Still have some z-wave issues. The hails sent from my Leviton switches and dimmers are not being seen in the event viewer. The ISY used to see the hails and then a program would query the devices to update the status. Without the hails being seen the device status is not updated in the EISY. I have tried removing one from the system and adding back in. No change.

The Zooz 4 in 1 seems to be working, but it is hard to tell if it is keeping the parametres that I am trying to set it for. I am trying to change the humidity percentage difference to report to a smaller number than 10%. I am also trying to change the temperature report from F to C (I live in Canada). So far I have been unable to change it.

The Fibaro Smart Implant seems more complicated than ever now. Because this one isn't battery powered I seem to be able to set the parametres fine and can query them and they seem to have taken. However, I cannot get it to behave as it used to. I have tried to set it up with the two inputs as binary normally closed for the front and back doors. First it isn't automatically updating in the EISY, I have to query it. Second the only thing that changes when a door is opened is the multilevel sensors go from 0V to 15V (supply power voltage). Again this has to be queried and isn't updated automatically.

The Weiser door lock I removed from the network and then added back in. I am very glad I did. This device is now working much better than with the ISY. One thing that the ISY struggled with was recognizing which user code was used to unlock the door. The EISY is handling this with ease.

I knew there were going to be some growing pains. And I am sure that after some time I will get everything back up and running how I like it. I am also sure I am going to need to ask advice from those with more knowledge than me.



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