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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Is the IoX XML schema avilable?


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Is there a magic link to an XSD or other doc for the ISY XML schema?

I'm finally converting my handicraft XML to JSON converter to a Python library, and am wondering if the official ISY XML schema is available somewhere. I've been lucky to find several great libraries to draw from, but each has it's limits. Generally, they only convert what they need to based on white-box understanding of a subset of XML responses. This makes sense- why reverse engineer every possible message and device type if you don't have to?

However, I'd like to clean up my transformer to look as close to an "official ISY" JSON response format as possible, then do the app specific transforms on that. There are great general XML->JSON libraries available, but end up including unnecessary or duplicated meta that a schema-aware transformer would omit.



Thanks. It's hard to know where to post platform interface questions. Because the ISY source is closed, it makes sense that core dev support is also closed- i.e. no public forum. However, the REST interface is documented, minus it's primary interface schema. 

Mostly I try to ask the community first for self-service, before bugging the Universal Devices team. I'll ask them directly.

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