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For Desktop, Start.win then no HDMI signal

Joe Casullo
Go to solution Solved by Joe Casullo,

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The i915kms kernel module is not in /boot/modules, so I tried to install it and and I got the message below. 


Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...

FreeBSD repository is up to date.

Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue...

FreeBSD-base repository is up to date.

Updating udi repository catalogue...

udi repository is up to date.

All repositories are up to date.

pkg: No packages available to install matching 'drm-510-kmod-5.10.163_1' have been found in the repositories

[admin@eisy ~]$ 


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Try restarting and then run the sudo kldload i915kms from a ssh session.  If you can do so while the display is attached to the eisy and on, that would be best.

What's showing on the screen looks correct so the driver does seem to load properly.  It's just when it tries to detect the display that something goes wrong.

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