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I can not delete nodeserver from PG3

Go to solution Solved by bpwwer,

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My Tesla nodeserver stopped working and restart did not help. I decided to re-install the ns and first deleted it from the Administrative Console and then pressed delete in the PG3 Dashboard. This is what I get :


I tried several times but no luck.

What should I do ?


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1 hour ago, DennisC said:

Are you able to just reinstall the node server in to the same slot?

When you click on install there should be an option located about mid page to reinstall in same slot.

This is what I have now......  When I was not able to remove the not working nodeserver in slot 21, I added it (also) in slot 19.

After a while it occurred to me to replace the Tesla "Refresh Token", a specific requirement for the Tesla ns and the nodeserver started to work again.

Now I need to remove the Tesla ns from slot 19, but it does not let me. Maybe I need a sudo command ????

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Are you on Polisy/eisy?

On PG3, if you go in to the node server, where the command buttons for the node server are. There should be a button to Stop the node server and then there should be a button to Delete the node server. Just make sure you select the node server in the slot that is not working.

If Delete button doesn't work, I think you will need to reach out to Bob.

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Log files.  I can't emphasize this enough. While I've tried to improve the error reporting to the UI, it's just not designed well enough to make make error reporting easy and intuitive.  The log files should contain the details when things go wrong.

Node server control (install/start/stop/remove) is very different for PG3x on eisy and PG3 on Polisy so knowing which is also important. 

In your initial message you say that you:

1. first delete the node server from the admin console.  

Don't do that. PG3(x) installs the node server and should also remove the node server from the IoX. By first deleting it using the AC, you've remove it from the IoX and now PG3(x) is somewhat confused as you did that "behind it's back".  Using the AC to remove a node server should only be done for orphaned node servers (ones that are currently being managed by something (PG2/PG3(x)).


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1 hour ago, bpwwer said:

Log files.  I can't emphasize this enough. While I've tried to improve the error reporting to the UI, it's just not designed well enough to make make error reporting easy and intuitive.  The log files should contain the details when things go wrong.

Node server control (install/start/stop/remove) is very different for PG3x on eisy and PG3 on Polisy so knowing which is also important. 

In your initial message you say that you:

1. first delete the node server from the admin console.  

Don't do that. PG3(x) installs the node server and should also remove the node server from the IoX. By first deleting it using the AC, you've remove it from the IoX and now PG3(x) is somewhat confused as you did that "behind it's back".  Using the AC to remove a node server should only be done for orphaned node servers (ones that are currently being managed by something (PG2/PG3(x)).


I understand what I did wrong (deleting NS from AC), but what do I do now ?

Thanks for your help


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35 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Looks like there's a bug in the latest PG3x release that's preventing it from removing node servers.

1. The good news.......  : It's not me

2. The bad news...... : a bit of annoyment 

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3 hours ago, bpwwer said:

Ok, a new version of 3.1.24 is back up and should have working dialog boxes again.  "Upgrade Packages" should see it and update it.

Dialog boxes working again but deleting ns not working.


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