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Eisy crashes frequently

Hoosier Daddy
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I managed to mess up my migration from Polisy to Eisy. Looking for some ideas on how to fix this before I submit a ticket. Not sure what I did wrong, but here is my current status:

1) Eisy is on 5.5.9; PG3x is on 3.1.24

2) On reboot, I get note to upgrade packages and the System Busy pops up for 15-30 minutes with multiple 0 -> 100% completion cycles. I let those finish and then upgrade packages; done this several times.

3) Insteon nodes work, most Z-wave nodes work. Some Z-wave nodes display as placeholders.

4) my 'Query All' program had become corrupted / failed and showed an error message in the 'Then' program section; I edited per forum suggestions and it runs now and when I made this change is when I started getting the System Busy notices on reboots.

5) Cannot connect to PG3x from AC without crashing Eisy. Can reach PG3x from IoX Launcher. My paid node servers have not carried over to the Eisy.

I'd appreciate any ideas for troubleshooting.

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You have too much going on right now.

I would suggest to start with shutting down, removing power, and after waiting about 15 minutes try the admin console & PG3x again.

For now, ignore the notice to upgrade packages, if you are on v5.5.9, you are on the latest. It is a known bug that will be fixed in the next firmware release.

If after doing this, the admin console is at a steady state, list your remaining problems and we can try to help.

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2 hours ago, DennisC said:

I would suggest to start with shutting down, removing power, and after waiting about 15 minutes try the admin console & PG3x again.

Thanks Dennis. I clicked the power button 6 times for shutdown, waited for the red light, unplugged for 30 minutes, then plugged it back in and waited another 30 minutes.

Launched the AC, ignored the Update Packages notice, and everything is normal with IoX, Insteon nodes, and most Z-wave nodes. I opened the event viewer to use as an IoX heartbeat.

Tried opening PG3 using the AC Node Servers menu. The PG3 login screen popped up, I entered my credentials, hit the login button. The event viewer halted when I hit the button. After a few minutes the AC gave me a java timeout error.

So, that's where I'm at right now. This behavior has been going on for a few days. Before that I was able to open PG3 from the AC but nothing was stable.

FWIW, the launcher can't find Eisy using https and port 8443. It can only reach Eisy with http and port 8080. Not sure why that is or if that is indicative of a configuration problem. Also, my node servers didn't port over from PG3 to PG3x. The names were in there, but no licenses. I was able to reinstall a few free NS's, but I need to put in a ticket to have my licenses moved over from Polisy.

Gonna do the takes-forever reboot method again. THANK YOU for the help so far.

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14 hours ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

Tried opening PG3 using the AC Node Servers menu. The PG3 login screen popped up, I entered my credentials, hit the login button. The event viewer halted when I hit the button. After a few minutes the AC gave me a java timeout error.

Try logging in to PG3 by using your browser. Enter the following IP address:


Replace the "x's" with your eisy IP address. 

You should receive the login box for the portal. After logging in with your portal credentials, you should then be able to log in to PG3 using your eisy credentials.

14 hours ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

FWIW, the launcher can't find Eisy using https and port 8443. It can only reach Eisy with http and port 8080. Not sure why that is or if that is indicative of a configuration problem. Also, my node servers didn't port over from PG3 to PG3x. The names were in there, but no licenses. I was able to reinstall a few free NS's, but I need to put in a ticket to have my licenses moved over from Polisy.

In the IoX Launcher you can add an IP address by clicking on "Add". Have you tried that and are you entering: https://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8443/desc     Replace the "x's" with your eisy IP address. 

If you still can not get in using "https", then go in using http & port 8080. Go to Configuration tab and check under Network Settings and insure DHCP is checked should be greyed out, but checked) and then check the port for "https".

Edit: If you still can not get in via "https", are you running any antivirus protection (try turning it off briefly) or possibly a firewall rule blocking it?

Edited by DennisC
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6 hours ago, DennisC said:

Try logging in to PG3 by using your browser. Enter the following IP address:


Replace the "x's" with your eisy IP address. 

You should receive the login box for the portal. After logging in with your portal credentials, you should then be able to log in to PG3 using your eisy credentials.

That all worked as you described. I got a security warning from Chrome (as always), but connected anyway. Here's the url:


PG3 window opened and I used my Eisy credentials to log in and then Eisy froze (UD mobile started throwing the error/closed messages).


6 hours ago, DennisC said:

In the IoX Launcher you can add an IP address by clicking on "Add". Have you tried that and are you entering: https://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8443/desc     Replace the "x's" with your eisy IP address. 

Yes, I've tried this multiple times and I always get the "not found" message. I'll try that again a little later after another reboot.

I'll also go back in to the AC and follow your other lead regarding the https login to Eisy.

I believe I can get in to PG3 via Launcher and will verify later. Not sure what i can do to troubleshoot from there.


Edited by Hoosier Daddy
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12 minutes ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

That all worked as you described. I got a security warning from Chrome (as always), but connected anyway. Here's the url:


PG3 window opened and I used my Eisy credentials to log in and then Eisy froze (UD mobile started throwing the error/closed messages).


Yes, I've tried this multiple times and I always get the "not found" message. I'll try that again a little later after another reboot.

I'll also go back in to the AC and follow your other lead regarding the https login to Eisy.

I believe I can get in to PG3 via Launcher and will verify later. Not sure what i can do to troubleshoot from there.


Don't forget to check antivirus and firewall rules.

Edit: Can you confirm version of eisy firmware and if you get in, PG3?

Edited by DennisC
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15 minutes ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

That all worked as you described. I got a security warning from Chrome (as always), but connected anyway. Here's the url:


PG3 window opened and I used my Eisy credentials to log in and then Eisy froze (UD mobile started throwing the error/closed messages).


Yes, I've tried this multiple times and I always get the "not found" message. I'll try that again a little later after another reboot.

I'll also go back in to the AC and follow your other lead regarding the https login to Eisy.

I believe I can get in to PG3 via Launcher and will verify later. Not sure what i can do to troubleshoot from there.


Try doing a Forced Refresh on the page by pressing CTRL->SHIFT->R

This makes it clear the cache for the page your currently loading and reload the page, sessions, etc...


Edited by TRI0N
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20 hours ago, DennisC said:

In the IoX Launcher you can add an IP address by clicking on "Add". Have you tried that and are you entering: https://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8443/desc     Replace the "x's" with your eisy IP address. 

This works now! No idea why, but I'll take the win. Here's a screenshot of my Configuration tab. Looks normal to me.


14 hours ago, DennisC said:

Don't forget to check antivirus and firewall rules.

Edit: Can you confirm version of eisy firmware and if you get in, PG3?

No internal firewalls set up. Turned off the malware protection. Will see if this clears anything up.

Eisy is on 5.5.9 (firmware and UI)

Instead of trying to access PG3 from the AC (which has been crashing Eisy), I exited the AC and opened PG3 via the Launcher. Here's the screenshot. The red banner popped up about 10-15 seconds later. It was running at first.


Hard to read, sorry. It shows version is 3.1.24 and IoX at 5.5.9. The uptime was over 1 day before the crash.

14 hours ago, TRI0N said:

Try doing a Forced Refresh on the page by pressing CTRL->SHIFT->R

This makes it clear the cache for the page your currently loading and reload the page, sessions, etc...

Hello Sir, I will try this after rebooting. Good idea, I hadn't thought of it.


14 hours ago, DennisC said:

Is there anything in the eisy error log?

I did look at the Eisy log before the most recent crash. I don't see an "error log" option in the pull down, but I did look at the 3 logs available at saw nothing obviously wrong. However, unless it says 'error' or 'warning', I probably wouldn't be able to pick out a problem. The activity that I do understand a little bit is when some node servers are sending data and this activity was occurring and looked normal.

Once again, I'm grateful for this forum community. Thank you both for giving this some thought. I'm going to try Trion's page refresh idea next. I hate to submit a ticket for a problem that I'm sure that I caused. I'm thinking of just plugging my PLM back into the Polisy and doing a factory reset on Eisy. Thoughts on that?

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I only connect to PG3x by typing the address & port number in a browser window. I find it quicker and any changes made in PG3 can not be seen in the admin console if it was already open. You need to close it and reopen in, therefor, I just go straight to the IP address.

I don't really see the need for factory resetting eisy at this time. Unless I am mistaken, the only remaining issue is PG3x showing disconnected once you open it?

If that is so, my suggestion would be to create another post on this thread just describing the issue with PG3x, how you are connecting to it, and your equipment. If we can not help, then there will be a clean description of your PG3x issue and the person responsible for the code bpwwer can be tagged to offer some guidance. 

Right now this is a long thread with several different issues intermixed, this will simplify it for him to offer feedback.

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My eisy does not crash frequently, but occasionally it does. My solution has been to put the eisy on a Kasa switch and then in Home Assistant, or directly in the Kasa App on my phone, I  power cycle eisy.

It makes it easier and especially useful when traveling.

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51 minutes ago, DennisC said:

my suggestion would be to create another post on this thread just describing the issue with PG3x, how you are connecting to it, and your equipment. If we can not help, then there will be a clean description of your PG3x issue and the person responsible for the code bpwwer can be tagged to offer some guidance. 

Here's a clean problem description:

I have an Eisy on 5.5.9, and PG3x on 3.1.24. This is a migration from Polisy/PG3. For completeness, I'll note that I had a Zooz 700 Z-wave stick on the Polisy and have a UDI Zmatter dongle on Eisy.

Eisy seems to be functioning normally. Insteon and most of the Z-wave nodes are behaving.

The problem is with PG3. I can launch the browser window but, when I log in, it crashes IoX after about 5-10 seconds: the UD Mobile app shows 'ERROR: 503", the PG3 browser window pops up a red banner, and the UDI portal shows Eisy offline. This behavior seems to be consistent regardless of how I get to the PG3 browser window. I've tried the AC, Launcher, and directly http:// in a browser.

I remembered as I was writing this post, that I probably incorrectly restored the PG3 backup to Eisy. I believe that I might have selected "Restore Backup" first, then used the "Migrate from PG3 Backup" after referring to the instructions again. I'm an idiot. Any suggestions other than 'get a new hobby' (too much invested) would be greatly appreciated before I write my confessional support ticket.

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11 minutes ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

Here's a clean problem description:

I have an Eisy on 5.5.9, and PG3x on 3.1.24. This is a migration from Polisy/PG3. For completeness, I'll note that I had a Zooz 700 Z-wave stick on the Polisy and have a UDI Zmatter dongle on Eisy.

Eisy seems to be functioning normally. Insteon and most of the Z-wave nodes are behaving.

The problem is with PG3. I can launch the browser window but, when I log in, it crashes IoX after about 5-10 seconds: the UD Mobile app shows 'ERROR: 503", the PG3 browser window pops up a red banner, and the UDI portal shows Eisy offline. This behavior seems to be consistent regardless of how I get to the PG3 browser window. I've tried the AC, Launcher, and directly http:// in a browser.

I remembered as I was writing this post, that I probably incorrectly restored the PG3 backup to Eisy. I believe that I might have selected "Restore Backup" first, then used the "Migrate from PG3 Backup" after referring to the instructions again. I'm an idiot. Any suggestions other than 'get a new hobby' (too much invested) would be greatly appreciated before I write my confessional support ticket.

Good write up, all that is left is to flag @bpwwer and hope he has a solution.

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14 hours ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

This works now! No idea why, but I'll take the win. Here's a screenshot of my Configuration tab. Looks normal to me.


No internal firewalls set up. Turned off the malware protection. Will see if this clears anything up.

Eisy is on 5.5.9 (firmware and UI)

Instead of trying to access PG3 from the AC (which has been crashing Eisy), I exited the AC and opened PG3 via the Launcher. Here's the screenshot. The red banner popped up about 10-15 seconds later. It was running at first.


Hard to read, sorry. It shows version is 3.1.24 and IoX at 5.5.9. The uptime was over 1 day before the crash.

Hello Sir, I will try this after rebooting. Good idea, I hadn't thought of it.


I did look at the Eisy log before the most recent crash. I don't see an "error log" option in the pull down, but I did look at the 3 logs available at saw nothing obviously wrong. However, unless it says 'error' or 'warning', I probably wouldn't be able to pick out a problem. The activity that I do understand a little bit is when some node servers are sending data and this activity was occurring and looked normal.

Once again, I'm grateful for this forum community. Thank you both for giving this some thought. I'm going to try Trion's page refresh idea next. I hate to submit a ticket for a problem that I'm sure that I caused. I'm thinking of just plugging my PLM back into the Polisy and doing a factory reset on Eisy. Thoughts on that?

Did you change your password in the UDAC recently? If so that doesn't sync with the PG3X as one would expect. I changed the password in UDAC and PG3X lost connections, so I just went into PG3x config and updated the password and things were back to normal.  The initial setup does sync your password for the first time it seems.

Note: Kinda... The SSH login password does NOT sync at anytime and the default password is admin.


Edited by TRI0N
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3 hours ago, Hoosier Daddy said:

I think I did change the user/pwd on Eisy after the migration. Not positive. I don't think I can reach PG3 anymore at all to try out your suggestion. I have a remote session scheduled with UDI support.

Should be able to get to it. Then just click IoX Configuration -> Edit Current IoX and put in your password you have.. Restart PG3x and hope it all goes well..



Edited by TRI0N
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  • Solution

The root problem causing eisy to crash was that it was in AP mode. I should have been able to diagnose that myself. I have other PG3 licensing problems, probably also caused by me during migration, but PG3 and eisy are now stable.

I can't say enough good things about UDI's technical support. I have never experienced such a high level of responsiveness and capability. Michel gave me his time for free but I chose to run a charge through for an hour of programming and support. I suggest that anyone who can afford to do so, please consider paying for support when your issue is clearly not a bug.

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Good question @DennisC. I'm not certain. However, I should have been able to see eisy as an available AP on my phone's wifi settings. I'm expecting another support call soon and I'll ask then.

If you're not already doing this, I highly recommend using the UD Mobile app for managing the eisy. It has become very capable and helpful with the Admin and Settings tab.

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