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Zwave OTA Update Options


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So what is the current procedure to do OTA updates for Zwave devices? 

Do I have to use a 3rd party tool like Silicon Lab PC Controller or HomeSeer Z-Flash.  Can those tools import the config from the ISY?

It appears w/ SIlicon Labs you have to exclude from 994, include on PC Controller, update, exclude on PC Controller, include on 994, which is less than ideal.....

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UD plans to support OTA firmware updates for the EISY and POLISY in a future firmware release. In the meantime, you'll have to use a 3rd party application which may vary depending on the device manufacturer and requires that you first exclude the z-wave device from its current controller and include it into their controller.

Edited by Techman
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TY, I will be ordering my EISY as soon as it is back in stock!

In this video they reference an export from the primary control to a 2ndary controller and then updating from the 2ndary controller  .  Is this a Homeseer proprietary thing or a Zwave std thing?




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OTA is hit and miss on other platforms too... eg. with Home Assistant it is not reliable so best to use a PC. Note that with IoX you have to change all automations/programs after excluding/including because the way IoX uses node ID's to reference in programs etc.

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I was able to use the Silicon Labs PC Software w/ a Zooz 700 stick to do firmware updates to the Zooz water sensors.  

A bit tricky but it can be done.

In the end I just couldn't make Z Wave battery powered devices as reliable as the Heartbeat on the Insteon devices for status indication.


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