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eisy as hardware backup for Polisy - where's the "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" option?


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If my Polisy was to suffer a catastrophic failure I'd like to be able to recover using an eisy. I was looking up the migration steps at https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Preparing_for_Migration_from_Eisy_/_Polisy and don't see where the "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" option is in my AC today. I do remember seeing that option in the past (before I migrated off my 994i to IoP).  Did it go away in 5.6.0? 



On the Eisy / Polisy your are migrating from

  1. Make sure Eisy / Polisy is up to date
    • Go to Admin Console configuration page and select update packages
  2. If you are not migrating your Z-Wave network
    • Use (Admin Console | File | Backup ISY) to make a backup of your Eisy / Polisy
  3. If you are migrating your Z-Wave network
    • Leave your current Z-Wave board / dongle connected
    • Go to configuration tab in Admin Console and select "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave"
    • Choose the option that allows you to create a "migration" backup (first option)


There's a warning further down that "A migration backup is different than a regular backup"

Here's what I see when I go to the Configuration tab:


Does this mean one would only need to restore a regular backup, even with a different Zmatter dongle?





I think you backup the ZWave dongle prior to making a full IoX backup on Polisy, then it becomes included in the backup. Upon IoX restore on EISY, you then restore the ZWave dongle.


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10 minutes ago, brians said:

I think you backup the ZWave dongle prior to making a full IoX backup on Polisy, then it becomes included in the backup. Upon IoX restore on EISY, you then restore the ZWave dongle.

but that was there all along, even when there was a "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" button and a clear distinction made that a migration backup was different than a regular backup.

Hopefully it's all in one backup now and the wiki page hasn't been updated yet. I'd rather not have to do two backups every time. I just haven't read or seen anything about that.

5 minutes ago, johnnyt said:

but that was there all along, even when there was a "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" button and a clear distinction made that a migration backup was different than a regular backup.

Hopefully it's all in one backup now and the wiki page hasn't been updated yet. I'd rather not have to do two backups every time. I just haven't read or seen anything about that.

Migrate to ZMatter is only applicable if you were using the older ZWave like the 500 series in ISY994i, or the Zooz 700 series USB in Polisy. If you already migrated to ZMatter from ISY994i then there is no need to migrate it again if you ever move to an EISY. Just make sure you have a ZWave backup.


  • Like 1
3 minutes ago, brians said:

Migrate to ZMatter is only applicable if you were using the older ZWave like the 500 series in ISY994i, or the Zooz 700 series USB in Polisy. If you already migrated to ZMatter from ISY994i then there is no need to migrate it again if you ever move to an EISY. Just make sure you have a ZWave backup.


oh yes, that makes sense. 

Now I need to figure out if I have to migrate to PG3x on Polisy in order to be able to restore one of those backups on an eisy. I was holding off on that because I think there are still some growing pains with PG3x on Polisy and no new features I need yet... unless recovering a dead Polisy on an eisy is one of those features that is...

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