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Run At Startup programs not running after reboot

Go to solution Solved by TheA2Z,

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Rebooted eisy yesterday and rebooted again today.

I have programs that are set as Run at Startup but they are not running when I reboot the eisy.   Is there a setting I am missing somewhere?

Here is my system config.


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Ok, I know how to enable run at startup.  What I am saying is when I reboot, none of the programs that are enabled as Run at startup actually run automatically.


@tazmanMy folders dont show any If or then conditions.  is that what you are referring to or do I need to check something else?  here is the list of programs.  For this last reboot I went in manually and kicked them off run then to get them to run.


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42 minutes ago, TheA2Z said:

none of the programs that are enabled as Run at startup actually run automatically.

Perhaps it's best if you post the program(s) that you are expecting to run at startup. Perhaps they're scheduled and the schedule portion hasn't been met.  Easiest way to share a program to the forum is to right click on the program, choose "Copy to Clipboard" then paste into your message. If you want to use the code block it would be okay, but it should paste as plain text anyway and will be easy for others to read and help make suggestions for any alterations you might need.

As for folder conditions, that is not in the summary tab, but if you don't have folder conditions you shouldn't see the folder as an item/name in the screenshot you provided above so it's doubtful you have folder conditions, but that's not a full screen shot so can't say 100% for sure.

Probably the most important column of the screenshot you have above isn't included. What's the "Last Run Time" for the programs you're expecting to run at startup?



Depending on how the "IF" portion of your program(s) you might need to adjust the grace period.

Please review this portion of the wiki:


Only other thing I might suggest is that if you have a large system and it's running the query at restart it could be missing that so many programs fire. In that case some people have put them in folders that the folder conditions would be triggered at reboot and then wait "x minutes" after the reboot to fire the programs. That's just a guess and a suggestion to alter how programs are triggered on a device/service reboot. 


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Its working normal again with my "Run at Startup" programs functioning as they always did.

After clicking the reboot button in IoX Friday, programs did not start.  Monday same thing.

Weds, I SSH into eisy and did an Install dev packages in IoX.  I saw the update occurring but it appeared that it did not update everything.  I hit reboot in IoX and it came back up.  Programs did not start as expected.

I then hit the power button on the eisy, and I saw alot more upgrades occurring in eisy.  I rebooted again after it completed.  When it came back up, all the programs started as usual.

I think for me the note to self is, after you do the install dev packages, reboot in IoX, then reboot a second time but by hitting the power button on the eisy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

I tried rebooting again and again my 6 startup programs would not start.

I decided to change the original config I had used in my ISY as I was thinking maybe there was way too much going on at startup of the eisy.:

  1. In the eisy config I unchecked the Query st Restart and I unchecked Catch Up Schedules at Restart
  2. I removed the Run At Startup off the six programs.
  3. I created an iEisyRebootStartup integer variable. 0 = not startup.  1 means startup.  Default at init is 0.
  4. I created an EisyStartupIf program that just had if logic.  If eisy startup variable = 0 then run then EisyStartupThen  program.  This one EisyStartupIf program is now marked run at startup.
  5. In the EisyStartupThen program, I listed the Run Then programs that I had originally in isy and eisy that would not run at startup.  I put them in the order I wanted them to run.  I also added a 5 min wait in the middle of it after I ran the query ISY statement.  At end of this program I set iEisyRebootStartup = 1.

This fixed my issue.  All I can think is there was too much going on at eisy startup with the query all running, my 6 run at  startup and the catch up schedule.

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  • 3 months later...

I am having a similar issue.  Thought programs were not running as well but  I have discovered that my programs were starting ok but then something made all the running programs suddenly stop. Nothing in the error log.  Going to try the simp startup like you did to see if that fixes my issue as well


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