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Does "On" = 100%?


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I have the following program to turn some lights off at night:



Time is 12:22:00AM


Wait 40 minutes (Random)

Set 'Rec Room Track' Off


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I also have a program that turns the lights on to 90% just before sunset. If I go into that room, I manually flip the Insteon switch up, which brings the lights up to 100%.


There are times when I'm in that room well past the time when the program turns the lights off. I want to modify the above program to only turn the lights off if they are NOT at 100%. However, when I go to add that condition, there is no option for 100%, so here is how the statement looks now:



Time is 12:22:00AM

And Status 'Rec Room Track' is not On


Wait 40 minutes (Random)

Set 'Rec Room Track' Off


- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


So, does "On" equal 100%? It seems to me that this statement will be true no matter what the level is. Why isn't there an option for 100% in the drop-down list?



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I see why this is confusing, because my experience is that status is ON is true for anything but OFF. I could be wrong, thourgh.


For what you are trying to accomplish might I suggest:


1) For your program that turns the light on before sunset (call it "TrackOn"):


       Time is Sunset  -  5 minutes
   And (
            Status  'Rec Room Track' is On
         Or Status  'Rec Room Track' is Off

       Set 'Basement / Playroom Track Lights' 90%

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


2) Then for the program that turns the light off


       Time is 12:22:00AM 
   And Program'TrackOn' is True 
       Wait 40 minutes (Random) 
       Set 'Rec Room Track' Off 
  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 


In this scenario the lights will always be set to 90% at 5 minutes before Sunset and teh program TrackOn will be set to true. However, any subsequent status change, whether turning them to 100% from the switch or turning them off, will trigger the "TrackOn" program and set it to false (because the time is not 5 minutes before sunset). At 12:22, the second program will only turn the lights off if the "TrackOn" program is True, i.e. the lights were set to 90% at 5 minutes before sunrise and have not been changed since.

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because my experience is that status is ON is true for anything but OFF


Yes, that it a reasonable understanding by a reasonable person. If I recall correctly, however, the ISY also has a condition "not off". So, you have the ability to have a condition of "on" = 100% and "not off" = 1% - 100%. Pick one that meets your needs.

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Well, operating under my standard "believe but verify" approach (as my wife puts it), I went through my programs in the ISY and it turns out that I don't ever use 'status is On'; only 'status is Off' and 'status is not Off'. So my understanding that status of On was anything other than status is Off was not only incorrect, it was unfounded.


I was wrong, you were right, and I am sorry (my wife would be so proud) ;)

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