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Firmware 2.7.14 RC1 Is Now Available

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Although we are quite confident that the severity and the number of any bugs is quite low, however this is still not an official release and thus there might be bugs that have not been uncovered during our testing. As such, any changes made to ISY may be lost because you may have to either restart or restore a backup from release 2.7.7, 2.7.11, or prior official releases.



Hello all,



Thank you for your support in helping us go through the alpha and beta stages of 2.7.8 and above. With the release of 2.7.14 RC1, we feel that we have an extremely stable system and, if all goes well, the next release will be an official release of 2.7.15.




Please review the list of fixed bug and enhancements here:



Do be kind enough to test as many of the items as possible and specifically registering devices within ISY and creating/removing scenes. For those who have PRO series, it would be great if batch functions are tested thoroughly.




1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

a. ISY 26 - http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip

b. ISY 99 - http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... nsteon.zip


3. It is very important that you use your current ISY's Admin Console to perform the upgrade by going to your http://your.isy.ip.address/admin


4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


5. Choose the file saved in step 2


6. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


7. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. http://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. http://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

c. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin - applet

d. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

e. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.14 - applet

f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.14/admin.jnlp - Java application


8. IMPORTANT If you have already installed a self signed certificate and your current firmware is 2.7.10 and below, you must reinstall a new one:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... rtificates


9. General instructions (especially for adding V2 thermostats) for the new features in 2.7.7+ can be found here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... hp?p=27368



Upgrading from 2.7.8 through 2.7.10


Upon reboot, ISY tries to migrate all configuration files to release 2.7.12 levels. This said, however, in the case of KeypadLincs, the following

settings shall be lost (ISY will be out of synch with your devices) for those KPLs that were setup/configured in 2.7.8 or 2.7.9:

a. Button toggle mode

b. Button backlight

c. Button groupings (in scenes or otherwise)

d. Button mutual exclusivity


As such, if you have setup any KPLs in 2.7.8 or 2.7.9, it's best to remove them from ISY, do a factory reset on them, add them back and reconfigure them.

Alternatively - and you have not made massive changes using 2.7.8/9, you can restore your 2.7.7 backup (File | Restore ISY) and let ISY migrate everything.


Thanks so very much for your help and support.


With kind regards,


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I'm not having as much luck as the other folks. I installed it, started the admin console, and entered my Username and Password. Then I get a popup that shows:




Clicking either OK or Cancel closes the console.


In addition, all my lights are going on and off and random times.


What gives?





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Did you get the April's Fool version? :?


I'm not having as much luck as the other folks. I installed it, started the admin console, and entered my Username and Password. Then I get a popup that shows:




Clicking either OK or Cancel closes the console.


In addition, all my lights are going on and off and random times.


What gives?





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Hello everyone,

Upgraded to 2.7.14 on another computer and attempting to run on this computer again. Got this from java console:


Java Plug-in 1.5.0_08

Using JRE version 1.5.0_08 Java HotSpot Client VM

User home directory = /home/scotnor2

network: Loading user-defined proxy configuration ...

network: Done.

network: Loading proxy configuration from Netscape Navigator ...

network: Reading user preference file from /home/scotnor2/.mozilla/default/7cwlhpwd.slt/prefs.js

network: Done.

network: Loading browser proxy configuration ...

network: Done.

network: Proxy Configuration: Browser Proxy Configuration


basic: Cache is enabled

basic: Location: /home/scotnor2/.java/deployment/cache/javapi/v1.0

basic: Maximum size: unlimited

basic: Compression level: 0



c: clear console window

f: finalize objects on finalization queue

g: garbage collect

h: display this help message

l: dump classloader list

m: print memory usage

o: trigger logging

p: reload proxy configuration

q: hide console

r: reload policy configuration

s: dump system and deployment properties

t: dump thread list

v: dump thread stack

x: clear classloader cache

0-5: set trace level to



basic: New window ID: 38009dc

basic: Value of xembed: 1

basic: setWindow: call before applet exists:38009dc

basic: Referencing classloader: sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@2c1e6b, refcount=1

basic: Added progress listener: sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter@1a082e2

basic: Loading applet ...

basic: Initializing applet ...

basic: Starting applet ...

network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT

network: Connecting with cookie " "

basic: Loading from cache

basic: Reading cached JAR file from JRE 1.5 release

basic: Certificates for is read from JAR cache

security: Accessing keys and certificate in Mozilla user profile: /home/scotnor2/.mozilla/default/7cwlhpwd.slt

security: JSS package is not found

security: Loading Root CA certificates from /usr/lib/jdk-1_5_0_08/jre/lib/security/cacerts

security: Loaded Root CA certificates from /usr/lib/jdk-1_5_0_08/jre/lib/security/cacerts

security: Loading Deployment certificates from /home/scotnor2/.java/deployment/security/trusted.certs

security: Loaded Deployment certificates from /home/scotnor2/.java/deployment/security/trusted.certs

security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store

security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:620)

at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(SecureClassLoader.java:124)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(URLClassLoader.java:260)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$100(URLClassLoader.java:56)

at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:195)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:188)

at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(AppletClassLoader.java:147)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:306)

at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(AppletClassLoader.java:119)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:251)

at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(AppletClassLoader.java:591)

at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(AppletPanel.java:721)

at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(AppletViewer.java:1781)

at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(AppletPanel.java:650)

at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:324)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

basic: Exception: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file


Is Java 1.5 now officially not supported?




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Upgraded from 2.7.12 to 2.7.14


V2 Venstar thermostat lost communication.

tried to query a couple of times with no luck.

Disconnected V2 Insteon adapter and reinstalled, current temperature displayed and red exclamation went away. Setpoint showed 16 deg. I changed the setpoint to 60 deg and the adapter lost communication again.


Currently the T-stat cannot communicate with ISY.

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I am having the same problem as last time. On a Mac, can't get past 13%...



Same for me, I have tried two different Macs, both running Snow Leopard, both error out saying "Invalid Length", even though the .zip extracts fine on the host. One machine made it 13%, the other made it a little further, but still got the same error.




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As for tome and zenwheel, I can't upload this update from a Mac, I get stuck at 13% and a long pause and then the invalid length error.


This problem fist appeared with 2.7.13. I also tried using the admin.jnip java app version of the console, but that didn't help this time.



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Hello Michel,

I tried the upgrade to java 1.6.0_19. Would not initialize the admin console. Never got the java graphic icon. I backed down to java 1.6.0_05 and it does work with a minor inconvenience. It pops the main browser window back up occasionally. In particular, while entering the username/password to get into the admin console, the admin console is hidden from view and I have to click on it to get the focus back to it. In each of these cases, I did clear the java workspace.



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Hello MAC Users:


Please either increase the HTTP timeout or use https://your.isy.ip.address or https://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp .




I have to suspect a defective thermostat dongle or that one of the access points is not communicating correctly.




Thanks for the update. We are using 1.6.12 and 1.6.18 and both have been quite stable.


With kind regards,


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I have to suspect a defective thermostat dongle or that one of the access points is not communicating correctly.


With kind regards,



Yes, it seems to be a simple communication problem although Quite a coincidence though. I have never had a comm error to the t-stat. Not one.


immediately after the upgrade is when it failed...hmmmm


I'll start the basic troubleshooting and post the results.


As always, thanks for your support.

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I also have had these problems, eventually I was able to get it to go, only with wired machine one foot in air and hands out front :?


I am having the same problem as last time. On a Mac, can't get past 13%...



Same for me, I have tried two different Macs, both running Snow Leopard, both error out saying "Invalid Length", even though the .zip extracts fine on the host. One machine made it 13%, the other made it a little further, but still got the same error.




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Upping the HTTP time to even 15,000 did not help this time around. Using the https link worked for me...



Hello All,


Thanks so very much for all the feedback. I managed to reproduce the problem on our iMAC. The problem is that [for some unknown reason] the latest MAC does not send the HTTP body within the ISY alloted timeout (and hence invalid length since not all the body was sent).


Thankfully, you can set the HTTP/HTTPS timeout value for ISY:

1. Telnet to ISY

2. Login

3. Issue CWT

4. Change the HTTP timeout to 10000 or above


Alternatively, you can use the following URL:

https://your.isy.ip.address/admin OR



Since HTTPS has a higher timeout value, the upgrade succeeds.


I tried both methods and both succeed.


With kind regards,


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Michel, I know there have been a ton of posts on this topic already, but methinks you guys must have broken something around 2.7.12.


The last two releases have been a real pain to upload. Neither one would upload from my Mac browsers (Safari 4.0.5 and Firefox 3.6.2), so I resorted to IE7 on a PC. When upgrading to 2.7.14, it failed twice using IE7 also--but eventually worked.


I tried both HTTP and HTTPS, and even increased the timeouts for both using the telnet console. Nothing made a difference.



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Jeff, I do not know that this will work as I have not had time to upgrade to the latest but...


On 2.7.13 I could not get the upgrade to complete using any of the prescribed methods. What finally worked for me was to change Java prefs to have applets run in their own process, and then use Safari to open the admin console. When I was done I switched the Java prefs back to have applets run in the browser process, as that choice breaks lots of other stuff.


Once installed, I use the JNLP exclusively to access my ISY.

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Just did a clean wipe of my ISY-99 and wanted to start from scratch again. Upgraded the device to 2.7.14 RC1, and was going to start re-entering in my devices, re-creating links, etc.. except that it seems like the admin console isn't refreshing when I add/remove folders, devices, etc. I can right-click on a folder, choose Delete Folder, say yes to the prompt... and the prompt goes away, but the folder still remains in the GUI.



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Hello MAC users in general and Jeff in particular,


Based on your input, we started some root cause analysis and you were right: something did get broken in 2.7.12. In fact, the problem is that we changed the networking/TCP code to support Verizon FIOS/ActionTec routers which do not like tcp window size of 0 during the handshake. So, when we put a workaround for that issue, MAC upload got broken because MAC does NOT understand any other tcp window sizes unless EXPLICITLY provided by the application. So, what we did is to specify the tcp window size in the Admin Console. This should work for all platforms even though window size should be negotiated (as such I believe there is a bug in MAC). In any case, please try:

http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.14/admin.jnlp and let me know if you can upload (make sure to use CWT of 10,000 for http). If so, then I will consider this case closed. Otherwise, we will have to do more digging.




What you are describing is basically the case of Admin Console losing its subscriptions to ISY. What firewall software do you have?


With kind regards,


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