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My Eisy set up experience (not good)

Go to solution Solved by kurelgyer,

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I post this in case anyone else has trouble setting up the Eisy and then migrating from the ISY 994.  I've been using ISY's since around 2008 (?).  I'm not a programmer.  The interface has always been a bit user-unfriendly, but I like the power it has and I really like the company, Universal Devices.  That said, for a normal guy:

Set up directions are terrible. I tried doing this wirelessly.  I unplugged the ISY994 before starting.  Setup card says to install UD Mobile (I already had that installed).  It then simply says UD Mobile will walk you through the rest of the setup.

 It does not. Not even close in my experience.  I'm sure I missed some of the things I did, because I didn't start writing everything down until I was at my wit's end.

With no instruction as to where to start, I opened the camera on my phone and scanned the QR Code on the Eisy.  It read it, and I selected it, but nothing happened.  Turns out you have to go to settings in the UD phone app, and select "Add"  Here you will select which Universal Devices device you are adding, in this case, Eisy.  This is where the barcode scanner appears and says to scan the QR code on the bottom of the Eisy.  This leads to connecting it to your home network.  I don't think there was any confirmation this worked.

Nothing happened after this guiding me as to what to do.  I have a Portal license, but there was nothing regarding that.  Eventually, I had to start the free portal trial to get on line, even though I have a portal license.  I did not do this initially, because why would I?

At the PC, the IoX doesn't find the Eisy.  I had to "Add" and enter,  "https://eisy.local:8443/desc" which I found in another thread on the forum.  Admin Console Signing in seems to fail?  Lower left corner shows flag with "system busy"?

Turns out, doing "https://eisy.local:8443/desc" seems to be wrong - In the UD web Portal under ISY Information, I found the actual Admin Console URL.  Copying and adding that URL into the Admin console "Add" worked.  (Update: Actually later, "https://eisy.local:8443/desc" did work)

---Edit: Actually, getting the Admin URL from the web portal was wrong - it took me to the cloud version of the Admin Console that caused issues when later trying to open Polyglot V3 I think.

I thought it would be good to try to make sure Eisy is updated before migrating.  Under configuration I hit "upgrade packages".  A warning notification box popped up, but it was blank.  Eventually I hit the Okay box on the warning and another box popped up saying that it was upgrading, and not to reboot (the Eisy I have to assume?  Not the PC?).  Shortly after, the windows vanished.

Started IoX again.  Eisy doesn't show up.  Cleared Java again.  Went to UD website and did the My ISY.  Hit the downloaded start.jnlp.  Still didtn't find EISY.  In IoX finder I hit Add and put in the Admin Console URL again (retrieved from the Portal).  Only Cloud Admin is offered.  Sign in again.  Pop up saying "System is being upgraded!!!  Although you can continue working, it's best to let the upgrade process complete first.  Please do not reboot unless absolutely necessary"  But there is no progress bar.  How will I know when it's complete?

The flag at the lower left corner of the window say "Ready"
Under Configuration/Portals it is now showing Portal Integration Online and Registered.

If I go to File/Refresh Device Status, I get two notification windows: "Warning - Your system is being upgraded!!!" and "No Subscription - A subscription to the ISY cannot be established.  Please try again or restart the Admin Console"  It's been almost an hour, I don't know if anything is happening or not.  I waited a long time.

Closed IoX and Admin Console windows.  Ran IoX again.  Didn't find Eisy again (I have "saved" it several times).  Manually added the URL again.  Saved it again.  Only options are Admin Console (Cloud) and Polygot V3.  Logged in.  Pop up saying "System is being upgraded...".  Another notification saying, "No Subscription - A subscription to the ISY cannot be established.  Please try again or restart the Admin Console".

I now tried resuming the directions from https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Eisy:User_Guide#Migration at "Migrating, number 5".  I connected my Insteon PLM (not doing ZWave because ZMatter is out of stock).  I enabled Insteon Support.  After a minute, all IoX and Admin Console windows on PC disappeared.  The blue light on the Eisy did not turn off and I couldn't connect.  After several minutes, I unplugged and plugged in the Eisy.  I still does not show in the IoX Finder.  Manually adding didn't work.   Trying to get the URL from the Portal didn't work - said Eisy was off line.

After 15 minutes, I could manually add the Eisy in the IoX finder again.  It populated with my Insteon devices.

Had to manually change Clock in System Settings.  I am not going to Restore the PLM because I don't want to have to mess with all the wireless devices.

"8. Reconfigure any software utilizing to point to this Eisy / Polisy, restart the other software, if necessary."  I don't know what this is referring too.

Side note:  There is an issue where notification balloons sit on top of each other and cannot be moved so you can see underneath.

I have spent a frustrating 6 hours to get to this point.  It was mostly achieved by poking at things and seeing what happens because very early on my install went off the rails of what the step by step process described (or failed to describe).  I spent a lot of those hours searching the forums, but found little information regarding my issues.  But one shouldn't have to go through all that.

Now that I think I have Insteon working, I am trying to dip my toes into Polyglot V3.  I can't get those pages to load - but that's in another post.

I need a beer.

Update 1: It's the next day.  I have not been able to access Polyglot V3 from a PC.  None of the possible passwords I try work.  So I used the UD Portal to reboot Eisy.  After an hour, Eisy was showing "Not Connected" in the UD Mobile app.  Eisy DOES show as connected in my router's list of connected devices. I could cleared Java and used My ISY from the UD website to launch IoX Finder, it still does not find Eisy.  I force closed UD Mobile.  I rebooted Eisy again, by pressing power button 5 times (I'll note that the blue light never gave an indication anything was happening).  I cleared Java on PC.  I rebooted PC.  I Ended Task on all processes related to Nord VPN on PC (as I have done through this whole failed process).  Nothing.

I now unplugged Eisy from power for a minute.  Plugged back in.  Received Notification in the UD Mobile app that Eisy is now online.  ----Side note - When Eisy successfully reboots, by garage door connected to Insteon I/O goes nuts.  It goes up 2', down a 1'.  Up 3', down 3' and just keeps going up and down for several minutes.  I can't stop it.----   Eisy now shows on UD Portal and UD App.  Cleared Java.  Went to UD website to download IoX Launcher.  Oddly, it is found under Quick Links / Getting Started | ISY 994 ???.  IoX finder still does not find Eisy.  Manually Add and entered "https://eisy.local:8443/desc"  This found the Eisy.  Now my username and password is not working.

OMFG.  This is ridiculous.  Another 4 hours gone.



Edited by kurelgyer
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To close, I created a help ticket to which Michel promptly responded.  I was instructed to push the Eisy button 😏 three times to reset the login credentials.  I tried this 4 separate times, but it did not work.  Michel had to remote in and straighten my issues out.  Eisy?  Not so easy.  Customer support?  Top notch.

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Yeah... customer support has been really above and beyond (as it usually is) and Michel is super awesome.

Unfortunately, I had a hell of an install like you did. I think Michel spent a few hours  in my system overnight to fix things (early install- back in March). 

The good news ... after a lot of bumps, I do have a stable system running. 

Now, during the "hell" I was going through, I did buy a HomeAssistant box and have been playing with it. Not that I'm going to migrate over, but because I want to learn... and just in case, have a backup/alternative. 

I like HA and it works with EVERYTHING I have (shades, ecobee, insteon, magichome, solar), but EISY is faster and more responsive -and after all the start-up issues, easier to manage and maintain - plus I like the mobile interface because it's cleaner. I've not delved into building HA screens yet (am a little afraid of it).

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I probably jinxed things with that last message :(

I'm still having stability problems - system goes off-line, requires rebooting, and for PG3 I have had to "re-add" all nodes several times to "kick-start" it into recognizing nodes that go "unreachable" for no apparent reason. 

Life in the early adopter lane. 

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@Michel Kohanimit just happened again - not opening up a ticket because I was able to "fix" ... the EISY went offline (network went down for a few mins) and when it came back up, Magichome nodes weren't responsive. Looked at the PG3 log and saw it wasn't working. Did a REDISCOVER in the PG3 window, and after a few minutes of queries.... all works. 

I recall that's what I did last time - so at least for the last two instances a rediscover works? 


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