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ISY to Polisy Migration - Z-Wave Exclude/Include References


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Hi all, I'm thinking about migrating from my ISY to Polisy and according to the UD Migration instructions:

"Everything is migrated except Z-wave at this time. Recommended approach is to be sure to print Tools / Topography. Then, using the topology,  exclude then include your Z-Wave devices in ZW order ie ZW_01. This way, whatever programs you already have will continue to work and whatever Alexa spokens you have will point to the same devices."

I don't see any reference in the admin console using Exclude/Include terminology. 

Is there an actual setting in the admin console to actually Exclude and Include a Z-Wave device?


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If your ISY has the 500 series zwave board and your Polisy has the zmatter board then zwave will migrate without having to do any exclude/include functions.

On the other hand if your ISY has the 300 series zwave then you'll have to manually exclude/include each zwave device


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