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PG3x 3.1.37 Beta

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Hello all,

Once again we are resquesting help to beta test PG3x. 3.1.37 is now in beta and has again major changes and bug fixes:


  • Dashboard now shows node servers connected state in real time
  • Fix the Purchase page with duplicated entries
  • In the purchase page, show the update button only if an update is available
    • Please note that if a node server advertises itself at a version which is different than the version in the store, then the update button will appear. Some node servers will therefore still show the update button although they are at their latest release.
  • Node server re-install: Restart node servers after re-installation if it was running
  • Node server re-install: At the end, display a confirmation message
  • Node servers can now update property names of existing nodes (To be tested further)
  • In node server nodes, property variable can be copied using copy icon
  • Add support for dynamic property texts (UOM 150) - (To be tested further)
  • General code enhancement
  • Security fixes

We would appreciate your feedback. Since this is a beta release, the installation is done through ssh with two commands:

sudo pkg add -f https://pkg.isy.io/udx13.staging/All/pg3x-3.1.37.pkg

sudo service udx restart

We would appreciate your feedback.

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The install went good for me I still get the PG3x restart needed but refreshing the browser now gets rid of it without having to shutdown eisy.

  • Node server re-install: Restart node servers after re-installation if it was running
  • Node server re-install: At the end, display a confirmation message

The re-install worked with a green box confirmation afterwards.

  • In node server nodes, property variable can be copied using copy icon

This is a nice feature!

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15 hours ago, dwengrovitz said:

Like @tazman, I still got the PG3x restart message, and refreshing the browser did get rid of it.  I had to restart the Ring Node Server to get it talking to eisy again, but overall this was a pretty smooth update. 

1. Ring Nodeserver- I have reported this issue with a few nodeservers and working with them to figure it out.

2. Restart message-  I get that every time I restart the polisy.  I think its a Cache issue.  Yesterday I went to browser and deleted all site data.  Then I opened site- no message!!!.   Still looking into it as I dont want to reboot over and over to test.  LOL

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