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Weatherbug Rain Rate


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Any chance of getting any additional Weatherbug feed data integrated? In particular, I was looking for rain rate. When there is a particularly heavy rainfall, I tend to get water in the basement. I would like to turn the fans on down there when the rain rate exceeds x.


(Currently I use rain today, and just assume if we've had a bunch it was a cloudburst. :) )

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Hi Michel,


Thanks for the reply! When I view the feed my ISY is connection to at:


http://datafeed.weatherbug.com/GetXml.a ... UnitType=0


there are a few items not currently included in the ISY interface. Specifically, in the rain area I see:








Of these, I believe only "Rain Today" is included in the ISY. Not sure about the usefulness of Rain Month or Rain Year, but Rain Rate definitely seems like it would have its place. :) (Although Rain Month might be useful in irrigation applications, I'd have to think through that one a bit more.)


What do you think?




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