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Zigbee Distance from Polisy w Internal Card

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What is the range of Zigbee devices and Polisy? Polisy is in basement and zigbee shade is on the 2nd floor. Too far? Polisy doesn’t seem to find the device.


Zigbee uses 2.4 Ghz. If you have other devices on that band, i.e. wireless phone, your router, etc., it could impact your coverage.  You may need a Zigbee repeater between the Polisy and your shade. It's mostly a trial-and-error situation.

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5 hours ago, pjjameso said:

What is the range of Zigbee devices and Polisy? Polisy is in basement and zigbee shade is on the 2nd floor. Too far? Polisy doesn’t seem to find the device.

Range varies due to environment. Being that this is their beta release, it'll be impossible for anyone here to say what range you would get based on their experiences. 

I suspect either you are too far or your device is not supported. Does it show up on the list on the firmware update page?


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