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ISY994i > EISY, "Restore Modem"


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Posted (edited)

Thanks! Duh. >dope slap to my own head<

That was the clue I needed. I should have remembered that, though the last time I had to program one of these wall switches was back not that long after I switched from Radio Shack X10 to Insteon.

If you look at the screenshot of our main bedroom's 5/6-button switch, which I programmed many years ago (bottom graphic), I named the scenes after the buttons, which kept me on the straight and narrow. However, I was trying with the office scenes to give more descriptive names, and I misled myself into trying to add the Office Entrance Keypad.1 to each of the scenes, rather than creating a separate scene with every light in the office in it, with Office Entrance Keypad.1 as the controller.

As you can see in the top screenshot which is my final office programming, I did add all of the buttons (well, all three that I'm using, I'm not using Office Entrance Keypad.C for anything) to this scene, so the buttons light up and go off as you turn all the lights on and off.

Thanks again for your help!

IoX Office Scenes.jpg

IoX Main Bedroom.jpg

Edited by KConover
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