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Trying to migrate to Polisy - stuck on zwave

Go to solution Solved by bob123,

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I decided to finally take the plunge and upgrade my isy to my polisy.  I got the polisy up and running prior to the upgrade. All running great.  Also had some PG3 node servers running great.

My isy was on  300 series zwave.  I upgraded it to 5.0.16 and all went well.  I then installed a zooz 700 stick on the polisy, unrolled some of  my zwave devices from the isy and enrolled them on the polisy.  Worked great.

Next step was to upgrade the isy to 5.3.4 so that I could back it up and restore my insteon stuff to the polisy.  I knew that zwave would not migrate (series 300) and that I would manually have to rework it on them on the polisy.  Did not do the 'migrate zwave' backup - just normal backup.

Restored the fresh backup from the isy to the polisy. 

Problem - the zwave does not work anymore on the polisy.  Clicking the  zwave menu says - zmatter zwave not responding.

I am completely stuck.  Why would the polisy support the zooz stick perfectly prior to restoring the backup from the isy? Now is seems like it does not recognize the device and is looking for the zmatter board.  I have checked and unchecked the zwave support under configuration and rebooted several times.

Any help is appreciated.

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Yes. It was still checked after I restored the backup from the isy.  I then unchecked it, saved and rebooted, then checked it, saved and rebooted. Still not working. 
I then tried removing the PLM and rebooted- still no help.

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Hi @bob123,

I had a similar problem with Z-Wave as I moved from the Zooz 700 stick and then onto Z-Matter on Polisy. This may or may not have the same cause but it is easy to check.

The root cause of my problem was several Zooz smart outlets that were sending Z-Wave power reports constantly at sub-second frequencies. As Polisy was trying to boot-up, the Z-stick (and later Z-Matter) was deluged by these power reports and was not listening to Polisy. After awhile, Polisy reports that Z-Wave was not responding. I manually rebuilt my ~40-Z-Wave device several times 😬 before, a with the fantastic assistance of UDI, the solution was discovered 😁

Method to test for this: The problem was discovered by unplugging all of my plug-in Z-Wave modules and then trying to reboot Polisy. If this is successful and Z-Matter is now responding to Polisy, I would suspect  a chatty device(s) on the Z-Wave network. 

This problem seems to only affect start-up of Polisy / Z-Matter (or 700 Z-Stick). If I later plugged-in one of my chatty devices, the system continued to work until next reboot. At this point, in my case, I was able to modify the chatty device's parameters to more reasonable reporting frequencies.

Good Luck

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Thanks- will unplug my zwave devices and reboot. Strange part is it was working great prior to the restore from backup. 

I also ordered up a usb plug extender. Found some posts that plugging in the plm usb could possibly cause interference to the zwave stick usb connection as it’s a tight fit.

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3 hours ago, gviliunas said:

Hi @bob123,

I had a similar problem with Z-Wave as I moved from the Zooz 700 stick and then onto Z-Matter on Polisy. This may or may not have the same cause but it is easy to check.

The root cause of my problem was several Zooz smart outlets that were sending Z-Wave power reports constantly at sub-second frequencies. As Polisy was trying to boot-up, the Z-stick (and later Z-Matter) was deluged by these power reports and was not listening to Polisy. After awhile, Polisy reports that Z-Wave was not responding. I manually rebuilt my ~40-Z-Wave device several times 😬 before, a with the fantastic assistance of UDI, the solution was discovered 😁

Method to test for this: The problem was discovered by unplugging all of my plug-in Z-Wave modules and then trying to reboot Polisy. If this is successful and Z-Matter is now responding to Polisy, I would suspect  a chatty device(s) on the Z-Wave network. 

This problem seems to only affect start-up of Polisy / Z-Matter (or 700 Z-Stick). If I later plugged-in one of my chatty devices, the system continued to work until next reboot. At this point, in my case, I was able to modify the chatty device's parameters to more reasonable reporting frequencies.

Good Luck

Similar issue here with Zooz power reports disrupting the device interviews. I unplugged them as I got the other devices online. Once everything else was working, I found that if I excluded the Zooz devices and re-included (rather than migrated), the power report issue went away when they were added back.

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Tried unplugging all the zwave devices in the network - was only 2 plug in aeotec doorbell/range extenders and a lock.   Rebooted.  No change.  The polisy still says zmatter zwave not responding.

I tried the usb extender to ensure the zooz stick was firmly plugged in.  No help either.

I've submitted a support ticket.  Very frustrating since I went through all the effort to ensure that zwave with the zooz stick worked properly on the polisy prior to moving my insteon to it from the 994.  Now I have a non-functioning isy994 because I upgraded to 5.3.4 which does not support my 300 series zwave and a polisy that I can't use.

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1 hour ago, bob123 said:

Tried unplugging all the zwave devices in the network - was only 2 plug in aeotec doorbell/range extenders and a lock.   Rebooted.  No change.  The polisy still says zmatter zwave not responding.

I tried the usb extender to ensure the zooz stick was firmly plugged in.  No help either.

I've submitted a support ticket.  Very frustrating since I went through all the effort to ensure that zwave with the zooz stick worked properly on the polisy prior to moving my insteon to it from the 994.  Now I have a non-functioning isy994 because I upgraded to 5.3.4 which does not support my 300 series zwave and a polisy that I can't use.

I understand your frustration! While you are waiting, I am not sure this applies to your situation but you might try it:


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When you restored your ISY backup to the Polisy, did you first backup the Zwave on your ISY? If not then it may have restored your older 300 series Zwave file to the eisy which is why it may not be working. It that's the case you may have to rebuild your Zwave from scratch on the Polisy.

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I did not do a separate zwave backup on the isy.  I just did a normal full backup.  How would doing the zwave backup have affected the restore to the polisy?

If the older 300 series zwave file was 'restored' to the polisy, how do I rebuild the polisy zwave from scratch.  The polisy does not even recognize the device.

Unfortunately, I did not backup the polisy when it was running correctly with zwave dongle, so can't restore that way.

Is there a way to reset iox/zwave on the polisy to initialized state?  If I were to do that, how would I prevent the 300 series zwave from my isy from restoring again?


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Are you using the Zooz 700 USB controller on the Polisy, if so, is there a reset button on the stick? If not then read the link below. You'll may have to use the Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio software

How to factory reset Zooz ZST10 Zwave stick? : r/homeassistant (reddit.com)

or contact Zooz support:

New Ticket - Zooz Support Center (getzooz.com)



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I received a response from support. 

When migrating a backup from ISY-994 to eisy or Polisy, it automatically sets it to use ZMatter Z-Wave.

So, any restore of an isy backup to polisy will configure it to zmatter only.

They will be sending me instructions how to configure the Polisy use the original Z-Wave implementation (using the Zooz dongle).

Thanks everyone for the assistance.

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  • Solution

Here is the solution from the great support staff (Chris) - it worked great.  Basically resets the configuration/system tab on the admin manager and restores ability to have a zooz 700 zwave stick instead of a zmatter.  One additional step I found was to re-enable insteon and zwave on the configuration/system tab.  Do not do migrate to zmatter.

1) ssh to Polisy

2) run command:   sudo rm /var/isy/FILES/CONF/0.UCF

3) close ssh (unless you want to keep it open for something)

4) Restart IoX

5) Go to Configuration Tab in Admin Console, you should see a button "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave", this indicates that you are now currently using original Z-Wave.  (Don't press the button obviously)

6) Update the values in the Configuration Tab to what they were before

7) Under the Z-Wave top level menu you should see all the options (like add, remove, etc.)

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  • 1 month later...

FWIW, this worked for me as well.  Thank you for this!!!!!

I  get the zwave menu instead of the Zmatter not responding. 

Now I just need to get the zwave devices added.  That's proving to be a chore.  I updated to v7.18 firmware on the Zooz, so maybe that's the problem.  I'll try reverting to v7.17, which seems to have worked for others.

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw this thread so, I tried that command in my Polisy for my absent Zooz 700, it reset my password, and does the interview zw38 routine but the z-wave Zooz is never found. Now my ISY I restored from had no z-wave, so I currently have no z wave network whereas before the restore the z-wave with my one z-wave device was working perfectly. And button "Migrate to ZMatter Z-Wave" never shows. Prior to this I also tried the reset of the usb ports as mentioned in one of the links above to the wiki, which I followed, That did not work either.

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I have tied both ports, and neither works, and I have tried checking on, auto, and off. and and only with the on setting I get this as pictured. And the Zooz seems well seated in the USB port. It is tight with the power adapter connector, but it does fit.



Haven't done a factory reset yet. I do have a ticket in regarding this, and a factory reset is recommended I'll go ahead and proceed. I don't know that I have a right angle connector but I think I have a usb extender cable, if you think that would work.

Polisy 20231126.JPG

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So, if I go ahead and do the factory reset on the Polisy, what’s to keep the Z-wave from going dead on me again, after I do the ISY restore to my Polisy again. (BTW I believe I found out that the Polisy must be powered down before connecting the PLM. This I believe was the reason for the failure of the Insteon migration. And then one should do a PLM status check prior to the restoration to the Polisy to be sure it sees it.)

Before I tried to migrate my ISY configuration to my Polisy the Z-wave was working just fine. Then there’s the issue of the one node server that is installed on the Polisy. Must I uninstall that prior to factory reseting?

Please keep in mind that there is no Z-wave on my ISY here. I wonder if that’s why the restore to the Polisy breaks the Z-wave connection and configuration. I am newly looking to add Z-wave devices.

Reaching out here, as I would think those responding to the tickets have a lot of them to respond to with the holiday weekend and all.

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If you do a factory reset on the Polisy, do a, "update packages" before you do a migration.

If you didn't have Zwave on the ISY then you can't migrate the Zwave to the Polisy. All you would need to do, after the Polisy is powered up, is connect the Zwave dongle.  It's possible that the Zooz dongle is either defective or corrupted, not sure if you can do a factory reset on it, take a look at its manual.

Not sure about your node server. 

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I was able to factory reset the Zooz, using the Silicon Lab’s Simplicity software, which by the way isn’t so simple. The Zooz is readable from their software on the windows PC. I did purchase another Zooz 700. So I could try that one as well. So, I will try it if the original Zooz is not responsive. Yes, I do realize that I have no Z-wave to migrate, nor do I want to. What I would like to know is how to add Z-wave after the migration. That is what I cannot do right now since the Zooz 700 is not recognized. I’m hoping after the reset and migration that I will be able to add in the new zwave devices. What I don’t want to have to do is rebuild my entire Insteon network from scratch, in order to get Z-wave working, Unless I hear otherwise, I am thinking that I should uninstall the node server, which I would prefer not to have to do, since it was hard to get it working. I am hoping to hear something in response to my ticket, which should give me a good path forward.

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