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994i not found

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I've been using my 994i for some time now generally without issues, for numerous Insteon units of different types. There are always things that come up but now apparently time has passed and this unit is no longer supported. I've been using computers since the early 80's and home control with X-10 previously so I am familiar with how this goes, But trying to get some support from Universal Devices has proven difficult. I've also been unable to get a response in email to verify my email address, no email has appeared. So I couldn't do a ticket on the web site as I can't sign in. My 994i is 'not found' and I've tried deleting the cache as advised but so far no luck. I need to know if I can expect to be able to use this 994i without support or if I would be required to purchase the new hardware as the only option.

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The ISY994 has reached its end of life and is no longer supported by UD..

The good news is that the forum is still supporting the ISY.

Clear your java cache, including checking the box" installed applications" then download the IoX Launcher from here:


What is your ISY firmware version?

Let me know if, after the above, you're able to access your ISY


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You can still get ISY994i support but for a year it is a fee support. Fellow users here are always a very big help.

I would also try the Launcher pointed out.

One other thing has been the ISY994i power supply getting near end of life and causing issues. If the launcher doesn't find it. You may to try supply as a test.

You may also find it in your network routers connected devices list. That may also give you some added information. Though I suspect the latest Launcher and Java may do the trick.

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Thanks for your quick response to this. I've done the deletions in Java, it's not specifically described as 'cache' but it's temp files and there is an option for applications. I also ran the latest IoX launcher and what I get is a dialog box that is IoX finder: Not Found. I also have the Java windows that show what I see an option to delete files. I've done so, and it comes up with the Not Found result. I run an IP scan to find the ISY and although there are a few active ones, there is no specific address that shows the ISY. I've tried entering several of these under the ADD button where it asks for a URL but nothing comes up as the ISY. Usually in the past when there where issues with changes ( and I did recently have to change WiFi routers so the addresses are likely different) I have had to update Java settings at times but the ISY would eventually come back. Now that the other options for running the ISY are not available, I presume because there is no server anymore, I need to find a way to get to it again. I do have an ethernet crossover somewhere here if that's the way with a direct connection. All of my lights and their settings are still working, but as I understand it there is a lot of that programming that's in the individual modules. If I want to change anything or add the new Insteon sensor that came in today, I will need ISY access. To answer your other question, I don't recall what version firmware is running but I know it's not the most recent version. It was running well and I didn't want to risk it for upgrades that at the time looked like something I didn't need. It's will be encouraging to hear that the ISY can be used autonomously as it always was, but I need to get this resolved first.


IoX dialog.jpg

Java windows.jpg

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Verify that your ISY is connected to your router, and that the ethernet cable is properly seated. You don't need a crossover cable, just the standard ethernet cable.

Make sure you have the current java version which is (build 1.8.0_381-b09)

If you have a reserved address in your router for the ISY try deleting it.

Try rebooting your router 

Try rebooting the ISY

Edited by Techman
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14 hours ago, BrianN324 said:

I did recently have to change WiFi routers so the addresses are likely different

@BrianN324 you mentioned this. I wonder if you set a static IP on the device itself and it's outside the DHCP addressing for the new router. This was very common for users that setup the ISY994 a long time ago as that was once the suggested rout of keeping the IP address stable.

Currently, the suggested option would be through IP Reservations at the router level. And why UDI removed this ability in the Polisy and eisy devices.

If you try the above options and still cannot "find" the ISY perhaps review this from the wiki:


If you can't remember what the IP you used for the ISY994 there might be no other option than resetting it. Hopefully you have a backup of some sort, but if you haven't accessed the ISY994 in a while it might be last ditch effort to reset it. 


If you know DHCP table used in the old router you could set that temporarily in the new router and perhaps the device would connect on bootup. Then remove the static IP setting in the ISY994 configuration tab and allow automatic DHCP. Unplug the ISY994. Then reset the router to how it was before this and let everything else connect to the router before powering up the ISY again.  

Depending on how long ago you replaced the router maybe you still have it and can power it up (not connected to the internet or anything, but enough to connect the ISY994 directly to it and maybe plug a computer directly to it to attempt to access the ISY994 that way. (If the above changing the current router DHCP table is not an option for you)


One other option I can think of, and would only work if the device is connected to your network is to ask if you have it connected to the UD Portal (my.isy.io). If you have an active portal license for it see if it is showing connected to the portal. If it is then you can use the remote access address from the portal information section to attempt to add that "Admin Console URL" to the IoX Finder window you posted above. Then use your UD Portal credentials to access the ISY994. 




PS: If you do have the portal access it shows you the "Internal IP" as well. But I think the device has to be connected to the current network, and if you're IP isn't within the DHCP table of the new router it might not be making that connection. 


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It's been a while since I came here, and I decided to as I have found the issue. As noted, I did have the ISY set to so it was effectively a static IP address without DHCP. This issue was due to a change of WiFi router when my existing one died and I replaced with a new one. I got a cheap one while I waited for delivery on the more robust version I now have installed. In a hurry, this temporary WiFi set itself up with a different IP range ( so the ISY did not and would not be detected. I did see the .108 IP when I did an IP scan including this range and suspected it was the ISY even though the usual ID information was not there. I had chosen the static IP a long time ago as I regularly accessed the system remotely and I guess it was easier to keep it working back then.

So to try to keep this short, it's resolved now fairly easily as I installed the new (TP-Link AXE7800 Archer AXE95) Wifi router and in the process this time, prior to getting numerous items connected, I changed the IP address of the router to the previous range I was using. After getting everything connected, I checked the ISY and it came right back.. a little issue with the Java but now it's all back and I have access to the ISY again.

I am very happy to know that I can continue to use this ISY for my system as I don't have an extensive system, mostly lighting and sensors but I do have fairly elaborate programming and scheduling that I didn't want to recreate if possible. I do also very much appreciate the response on this forum and will continue to check it out and try to keep up with the latest changes with Universal Devices. If I can see a possible need in the future, an upgrade to the new hardware would certainly be something I would consider.  I do have to resolve my sign on for the UD portal as I tried signing up but I'm not getting the verification email to do so. Thanks again to all for your help.

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@BrianN324 thanks for the update and glad changing the DHCP to what the old router was worked. I'm the same way with the 994 in the past and fixed it the same way.

Now, before you go too much further...turn off static IP on the ISY994 and setup a DHCP reservation in your router. 

As you mentioned it was just "easier" in the past especially if you were connecting while remote. You probably used port forwarding. That's also a security risk to leave a port open on the router. If you do setup UD Portal you have remote access using that Admin Console URL I mentioned. Just put that into the IoX Finder window while remote and use our UD Portal credentials to access the Admin Console while you're remote.


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