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To Query or not?


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So the "manual" defines the query command as (Query - triggers the ISY to check an "ISY node" for status) I;m thinking that should be more like "insteon point" but my main question is what's the use of the command other than to correct status which may be whacked out?

I know it forces the status to be written to the log which is interesting for troubleshooting but what else? Is there some secret purpose :shock: to the command?





Hi Dan,


There are certain cases that query will help:

1. If you use a lot of dim/brighten locally on your switches, the status might be up to 5% off. This may cause your programs that use specific values (instead of a range) not to work properly

2. If you adjust the on level/ramp rate of a device locally (not through ISY), ISY will not know about it. Query helps rectify this issue


With kind regards,



Is anyone actively using 'Query' commands on their whole network... say once a day or on a specific interval?


What about a query as part of a program to ensure reliability?


Mine was that way originally also... but then at some point in the last couple years I removed it. I wasn't even sure if that is part of the standard install anymore.


Anyone have any data that says that their setup is more reliable with or without?


Thanks for everyone's responses. I guess I'll put it back in. As long as it doesn't seem to create some other problem... no harm in adding it.

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