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How do I know I installed the Paid version - Notifications

Go to solution Solved by Geddy,

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After updating polyglot to 3.2.13 today I was poking around and reminded myself again that the polyglot store and purchased node servers is confusing. I purchased the notifications module and thought I installed it correctly after UD Mobile installed the free version. Notifications works very well via UD Mobile.

When I view Plugin Purchases, it shows four Notification plugins. Two (2) are beta versions which I am not that bleeding edge to play with and two (2) are production. The two production versions I can re-install. Why... should it not state which one is in fact installed with a second button to reinstall if necesary?

Next, when I go to the store and click on Notifiction I get install options. It tells me to Activate the free for one month version or Install the $15 version, (which I thought I had done after I purchased it, and then I can Install the Free version. On this screen shouldn't it state that the $15 version is installed?

One thing it does show Installed Slot 1, but should I Click Install again?2023-10-2508_59_42-PolyglotV3-Brave.thumb.png.c9ec131e36e86ce65ae871a50acf3dd0.png

SO my question is, how do I know what version I have installed on my eISY? It works with UD Mobile great and the only option I have in eISY is UD Mobile. Do I need to install it again? reinstall one of the other versions I purchased? Argh... just confusing and shold be to even the experiences ones of us.

Thanks for your help!


2023-10-25 08_58_57-NVIDIA GeForce Overlay.png

2023-10-25 08_59_42-Polyglot V3 - Brave.png

Edited by johnjces
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@johnjces from the looks of your second screenshot it's showing the $15 version is installed in slot 1. So I would use that as confirmation. If you need more official confirmation you should open a support ticket to get UDI to confirm you've purchased the standard license. 

You can also see on the UDI portal site the list of purchased node servers.


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