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Insteon dimmer beeps on button press; none of the switch's LEDs come on

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I have a dual-band dimmer switch that...

  • Beeps when controlled manually at the switch -- the load is turned on/off with the set ramp rate, as expected.
  • None of the LEDs on the switch come on at any time.
  • Responds fine and controls the load when controlled remotely (invoked via linked buttons, via programs, or from the admin console).
  • Link table reads from the device and matches the PLM link table for that device.

I replaced the switch with a brand-new, identical model (2477D) and firmware version (v.45).  

When I restored power, the new switch exhibited exactly the same behavior.  So, now I suspect wiring.

I have gone through the wiring very carefully -- great connections with the wire nuts, line voltage verified with a multimeter and is properly connected to LINE input on the switch, and properly/securely connected white to neutral and ground to ground.  There is another 2477D in the same 2-gang box, and it works fine (no beep, and LEDs show as expected).

What do those four symptoms above suggest might be the problem?

Thoughts?  Suggestions?  Thanks in advance.

Edited by dex
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I would approach it by isolating the factors. 

First, remove the load from that dimmer and see if it acts the same. I have seen strange behavior when the load is too little like a single led bulb.

Then, if it is still acting flaky, remove the other switch from the circuit by disconnecting the black and white wires from that switch.

Finally, swap the load between the two switches and see if the problem moves.

Edited by Andy P
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If you haven't factory reset a new Insteon device before connecting to your ISY box , do it. This should always be done for any Insteon device, otherwise you have no idea what they will do in some cases.

I have had statuses reporting backwards a few years ago.

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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Thanks for all the ideas, everyone.

I've done another factory reset and before restoring the device, it behaves properly (no beep and the LEDs work).  After restoring, then it starts beeping on any use and no LEDs.

In the admin console, I tried multiple times to set the Backlight level to 255 (or any other level) and could not get it to come on.  Then I discovered an Options dialog for the switch that has a "No LED" checkbox and it was checked.  I unchecked it and the LEDs came on.  I had no idea this checkbox was there.  


So, that solved the LED problem, but the button still makes a beep on every press. 

Changing the Beep level does nothing.  In fact, when I set On Level, Ramp Rate, or Backlight, pressing the respective button causes a very quick "Writing>" green status to show up next to the switch's icon.  But when I change the Beep level and click that Beep button, the system appears to do nothing -- no "Writing>" status or "System Busy" indicator, even for a fraction of a second.  

Is there another setting somewhere that I don't know about that controls the Beep setting and how to write that to the device?

I'm running IoX v.5.7.0.

Thanks again.


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