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Ring Node is not displaying Battery 1 Life % in AC


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I did the update.  Mine shows 0% for both battery and battery life for all 4 of my units.  2 of the 4 units are powered only so that makes sense.  The other two are battery units but I have them powered.  So maybe it just assumes those dont have batteries but if the power goes out on those they keep running.  (Not the newer ones)

It does show MV and they are in normal range.



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@macjeff The plugin in AC shows battery life for two batteries, battery life is main battery and battery life 2 for second battery.  I have two doorbells one that is battery only (Back Door) and one is powered (Front Door) with battery backup. Battery Life 2 is 0% because of the obvious only one battery in the doorbell. In the dashboard for the plugin what do the nodes show?





Edited by tlightne
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