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UD Mobile Local Connection Error

Go to solution Solved by Javi,

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In another post today, @Javi indicated that adding a Local Connection into UD Mobile will allow faster operation when on the same network.  I've been using UDM via the Remote Connection Settings successfully for some time, and wanted to get the Local Connection setup.   I've followed the wiki instructions here but must be missing something, as I receive the following error when selecting "Test Local Connection":


Both the eisy and iPhone running UDM are on the same local network.  In UDM, the Add Local Networks under System Network Relations correctly finds my local router's SSID, username/PW are properly set, IOS Location setting for UDM is set to Always, and the eisy ip is reserved in the router.

I often use SSH on the iPhone to view the eisy log, so wifi access doesn't seem to be the problem.

What am I missing?  Thanks.

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The error signals that the current SSID as reported by iOS does not match an SSID entered into System Network Relations.

Do you have multiple SSIDs?  If you do please add both SSIDs to the System Network Relations.

I've added the current network to the this error message in the next release.

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Bingo!  Thanks Javi.  The Local Networks field seems to have been auto-populated with the model name of my router.  I looked at that several times and still missed it was not the proper SSID entry.  After I forced the correct SSID and Saved, the system now Tests Local Connection successfully.  Many thanks.

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