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IoX reboot

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This could be due to the setting under configuration for "catch up programs at startup".  A program(s) containing those devices may initiate or possibly the "query at restart" is indicating a state change/update that initiates a program containing those devices.

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@SHM when you reboot next try logging in and look at the programs summary tab and sort by "last run time". See if there is something that is triggered as @n_sievers suggests. That will give you an idea if it's a program.

The "Query at Restart" and "Catch up schedules at Restart" options are on the Configuration tab. I might suggest unchecking those as first attempt of troubleshooting. 

Also check for any programs that are set to specifically "Run At Startup". This option can be seen in the Programs Tab under "Summary" and then sorted by the "Run At Startup" column. Right click on any program that has a status "ON" to view the program and see if any conditions were met to trigger that program when rebooted. To disable "Run At Startup" right click on the line and select "Disable Run At Startup" (think about it before blindly doing that though...that's sometime a good option to have on if/when you lose power during the day and it comes back later in the day it will run those programs when the device boots back up).


Otherwise, are any of your devices really old (no set time, but maybe things pre-2013-2015)? They could be having the dreaded "all on" issue from lots of traffic at startup. Hard to tell what's really happening. I'm not sure if there's a sure fast "date" that things were fixed on the device firmware side, but something could be causing issues if it's an older device.

No way to keep admin console open/connected through a reboot to watch the event viewer, but if you're able to log in and get event viewer open and set to level 3 as lights still come on it might also shed light on commands being triggered/sent through the system. 



Bullseye!  It was an "all lights on" program that I have for emergencies that somehow was enabled to run at startup.  Thanks!

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