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Else vs. a new program

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Consistency of approach is one consideration. Else branch may work with state conditions, but rarely works as intended with events.

i usually have one, enabled program for events (commands received, times, etc.) and another, disabled program to check states (variables, light status, time or date ranges, etc.) and perform actions.

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Naming the programs with meaningful names is usually the key.

For programs I use for Alexa, mine are all named xxxxx.initiate. When I go to the ISY Portal and do a search, they are easily sorted from the rest and unlinked ones are easy to spot.

For the case of programs, as above, I usually suffix the sensing program with xxxx.trigger, or xxxx.sense.

Of course there are always exceptions and combination programs and it is a work of art trying to keep the names meaningful, but it usually pays in less confusion down the road when additions are wanted.

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