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WeatherFlow not producing data after

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I really need to see the debug log after restarting the plug-in.  

However, from the log, it looks like it's getting a response but all the values are "None" instead of actual numeric values.  I can't really tell if it's getting the response from the local hub or the WeatherFlow servers or both.  

Given that it seems to be invalid data being received from WeatherFlow, it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with the IoX update.

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That's a lot more helpful.  It seems to be your Tempest is not sending data to WeatherFlow.

Running the query the plug-in is making, all the data coming back looks like this:


All those 'null' fields should have actual data.  The structure of the returned data is:

timestamp = 1712062080
Wind lull = null
Wind Speed = null
Wind Gusts = null
wind Direction = null
Wind sampele interval = 20
Pressure = null
Temperature = null
Humidity = null
Illumination = null
UV Index = null
Solar Radiation = null
Rain = 0
precipitation type = 0
Lightning striks = 0
Lightning distance = 0
Battery = 2.39 volts
Reporting interval = 1

This is why the plug-in is showing all those errors (It does't like null values) and why you're not seeing any data.  There's no data to show.

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@Morris Hansen It's hard to draw any conclusions from that log. 

The Tempest hub sends out data packets every 60 seconds.

The log shows that the plug-in starts listening from those at 1:45:11pm and the last entry is at 1:45:15, 4 seconds later.  Without knowing how long you waited before downloading the log it could be that you downloaded the log before the Tempest hub sent an update or if it was sitting for while without any log updates, it could be that something is blocking the plug-in from seeing the Tempest hub data.

The Tempest hub sends out UDP packets using port 50222.  UDP packets won't typically cross subnet boundaries so if the hub is on a different subnet form the eisy/Polisy, then it won't work.  If you have some firewall rule that blocks UDP packets then it won't work. 

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