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Admin console reverts from user-set windows size

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For some time, I've had an issue that is a bit of an annoyance.  Hope someone can let me know if this is fixable.

I have IoX and admin console 5.8.0 running on my Polisy, and current Java on Windows 10 on the client side.  Sometimes when I launch the admin console from the IoX Launcher, the window forgets the size of the window as I left it, opening full screen.  Also, all the hierarchy is expanded on the left side.

I reset the window size and the folders opened to my favorite look, and close the console.  If I launch it again, the window opens like I left it.  This is good for awhile, until it reverts back to full screen.  Have not found a correlation of this and any other things I'm doing (not Java updates, etc.).

Is there a way to stop this behavior?  Thanks in advance.


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The launcer window size parameters are stored in the windows 10 temporary folder. Some utilities such as Norton periodically delete the contents of the window temp folder which will cause the launcher window to revert to full screen.

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