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Rerun Program Every 20 Minutes, How Would I do this?

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Asking for help from the programming gurus.... would like to create a program that turns on the ERV for 20 min every hour. Would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction as to setup.

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So... reread...  You'll want to do it this way

New Program - [ID 0045][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Repeat Every  1 hour 
           Set 'ERV'  On
           Wait  20 minutes 
           Set 'ERV' off
And set it so it runs at startup

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On 4/26/2024 at 7:56 AM, pjjameso said:

Asking for help from the programming gurus.... would like to create a program that turns on the ERV for 20 min every hour. Would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction as to setup.

Hi @pjjameso  I've had to do this twice, once very recently when my sump pump's float died (pump still good) during a high-volume week. For this one I found a very cool way as I needed it to run once every 48 seconds for 9 seconds. This is what I did: 

If statement:   Schedule: Time Is  -  45sec  -  After  -  Last Run  -  <Name of THIS Program> - Check "Daily" Box

Then I literally plugged my Sump Pump into an Insteon Appliance Switch 
Then:  Set 'Appliance Switch' On
            Wait 9 seconds
            Set 'Appliance Switch' Off

So the only issue with this method is that you have to manually "start" the sequence after a reboot - just right-click on the Program Name in your list and Select "Run Then", and that will start it. 

However, for your application and your larger time frames, I would do something a bit more reliable and simply schedule it to run on a schedule that merely lists all 24 hours of the day. I do this now for resetting of my Hourly Counts (Variables). 

If statement:       Schedule: Time Is - 7 AM - Time
                      OR Schedule: Time Is - 8 AM - Time
                      OR Schedule: Time Is - 9 AM - Time
                      OR Schedule:            - ETC. 

Your Then of course would again be to turn it on, WAIT for 20 min, Then turn it off. 

I hope that helps with a few other interesting options. Let me know if you need some screenshots of the actual programs from the examples above. Good luck!

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4 hours ago, ShawnW said:

Hi @pjjameso  I've had to do this twice, once very recently when my sump pump's float died (pump still good) during a high-volume week. For this one I found a very cool way as I needed it to run once every 48 seconds for 9 seconds. This is what I did: 

If statement:   Schedule: Time Is  -  45sec  -  After  -  Last Run  -  <Name of THIS Program> - Check "Daily" Box

Then I literally plugged my Sump Pump into an Insteon Appliance Switch 
Then:  Set 'Appliance Switch' On
            Wait 9 seconds
            Set 'Appliance Switch' Off

So the only issue with this method is that you have to manually "start" the sequence after a reboot - just right-click on the Program Name in your list and Select "Run Then", and that will start it. 

However, for your application and your larger time frames, I would do something a bit more reliable and simply schedule it to run on a schedule that merely lists all 24 hours of the day. I do this now for resetting of my Hourly Counts (Variables). 

If statement:       Schedule: Time Is - 7 AM - Time
                      OR Schedule: Time Is - 8 AM - Time
                      OR Schedule: Time Is - 9 AM - Time
                      OR Schedule:            - ETC. 

Your Then of course would again be to turn it on, WAIT for 20 min, Then turn it off. 

I hope that helps with a few other interesting options. Let me know if you need some screenshots of the actual programs from the examples above. Good luck!

No  screenshots.
Right click on the program title in the program tree and select "copy to clipboard"
Then paste it into a code box in your post. '<>'

All the details will be there and the format much clearer.

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