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Can't create or modify existing favorites

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14 minutes ago, dbwarner5 said:

only one weather ns... but today, its suddenly worked for "thunderstorms likely".... will keep an eye on it as conditions change to see if the icons follow suit. I have a different icon for each weather condition. 

Ok, great. 

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@ Javi.. I just changed another weather icon to if chance of precipitation >40%, use umbrella.

The current % is 50%.. umbrella is not showing. 

I am wondering if the new icon rule wont show until the value changes and it is re-evaluated? maybe that was the problem above as well, adn when the conditions changed, then the icon changed? 

I will keep an eye on this one to see if when the % changes, if the icon changes too. 

You may need a line of code that "evaluates" the conditional rules whenever that screen is closed out? 

See screen shots. 

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While I cannot replicate, I'll keep this in mind.  The Custom Configurations are being migrated to improve performance so I don't want too much time with something that will change in the next few weeks.  I'll try to post here when completed.

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