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eISY portal offline after cable modem swap

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I swapped out cable modem combos from an Arris SBG7600AC2 to an Arris G36. eISY continued to work with the portal without issue. The G36 had an issue with spontaneous reboots so I decided to return it and swapped back in the same SBG7600AC2 I was using previously, and now suddenly the portal is offline. No idea why or how to get it back online. eISY otherwise works fine. I can connect to it via the computer admin console as well as a phone app via wifi. The Portals tab in the admin console shows both "Offline" and "Registered". The portal itself shows "Error - ISY is not online" when I try to bring up any menus. This is on the same computer I am running the admin console from. I tried rebooting both the router and the eISY without change. In the portal profile "my preferred ISY" is set to the eISY and there is no triangle exclamation on the eISY (there is a "!" on the ISY994i since it's not active and not plugged in). I verified with IP Scanner that the UUID is found and matches what's listed for the eISY. Expiry date in the portal has a 2025 date. I tried all the troubleshooting steps listed in Portal Access Troubleshooting - except for the last one that says to open a ticket. Thought I'd try the forum first. Note that I have changed nothing on the old modem - it still has the same config and port forwarding for the eISY it had before and the ports are still correct.

Any ideas?

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2 ideas on the portal Web page

  • There's a little icon with 2 concentric arrows pointing at each other on the right.. Click that.. Did that help?
  • On the tools drop down, pick Information/portal access troubleshooting, it's meant to walk through things like this

If those don't help, if submit a ticket. Switching CM MAC address several times may have caused a security issue or confused the portal

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@madmartian I wonder if you tried to "Revoke" the portal on the eisy and then delete it from the portal account if you added it back if it would reconnect. It might wipe out information if you've added a lot to Alexa or Google Home so that might be last ditch effort. 

12 hours ago, madmartian said:

it still has the same config and port forwarding for the eISY it had before and the ports are still correct.

Port forwarding wouldn't impact it's connection to the ISY Portal. Actually, it's probably best to remove any port forwarding and just use the Portal URL for remote access for security reasons. No need to leave open ports to a home network. 

Either way...once you get information on your ticket from support be sure to report back what the fix/solution is in case this happens to others it would help resolve their situation.

Good luck!

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Well, that was interesting. Turns out Comcast had set the modem up using the wrong MAC address. On the bottom of the modem - and I did ask which one they wanted - are "WAN MAC" and "HFC MAC". The correct address is the HFC MAC. They set it up with the wrong address. No idea how it was working at all, but it was working with some devices.

My own app - "Simple Home Controller" - does not use the portal, so I need the port forwarding for that. Someday maybe I will learn how to program for the portal.

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