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WLED Node Server

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The last post here was in 2022, is there anyone who is working on this node server? I had lights installed on the house this past weekend and the controller is now connected to my EISY. I was hoping to be able to access the presets in WLED through the EISY.


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I've been watching for developments in this node server very closely for the past 2 years and I've seen nothing change in those years.

I took the path of Home Assistant to control WLED with presets in tandem with Polisy. Learning Home Assistant has been a challenge but I've enjoyed many of it's features. As the people who develop Home Assistant pointed out. No one ever begins with Home Assistant, it's always a path taken after beginning with another system.

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That is a little disappointing. A quick google search makes it sound like EISY and HA can play together, but I don't know if I have the skills or the time to try an make it work. Most of what I found was HA being the primary controller. A peek at the code in the node server makes it look like it would only need a few extra lines to bring in the presets, but I am not a programmer so I assume that I am very wrong on that.


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Like yourself I'm not a programmer so I either had to wait until someone added this feature to the node server or find a work-around. That's why I went to HA. I've not followed the HA / EISY info, but I began with an old Rasberry Pi I had sitting around, then to an old PC for HA. From just my experince you can keep most everything working from the EISY and add to the HA what you want. Some hardware works better with one or the other (ZWave on HA for me)

It's a rabbit hole of time spent learning HA and IoX is much better at controling  insteon. Long term I might have been better off learning to program :)

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@K-bert and @Rocketron if it appears to be a dead plugin (formerly Node Server) the best bet is to open a ticket with UD and ask if they've had any contact with the developer to see if they are active or not. They could then potentially offer it out to other active developers that might be able/willing to take over the plugin and modify it if needed.

Open a ticket here: https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets


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I guess this will be the final update: one of the programmers looked into this and determined that the library is old and confirmed that it does not have the feature to load presets or playlists. He also stated that it would not be worth the effort to update it as there are only a few people interested in it.



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