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Romba Module will not connect after updating to 3.2.27 PG3X


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After updating PG3X the romba module is cycling through the following error when trying to start.  Looks like it  cannot find the files. 

tried  restart and delete/ reinstall  no change




2024-06-12 08:32:57.143 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: PG3INIT=eyJ1dWlkIjoiMDA6MGQ6Yjk6NTY6MGM6MjQiLCJwcm9maWxlTnVtIjo0LCJsb2dMZXZlbCI6IklORk8iLCJ0b2tlbiI6IkpFVi1PWlIlaHl4K0Y4QjMiLCJtcXR0SG9zdCI6ImxvY2FsaG9zdCIsIm1xdHRQb3J0Ijo4ODgzLCJzZWN1cmUiOjEsImlzUEczeCI6dHJ1ZSwicGczVmVyc2lvbiI6IjMuMi4yNyIsImlzeVZlcnNpb24iOiI1LjguMyIsImVkaXRpb24iOiJGcmVlIn0=

2024-06-12 08:32:57.143 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: Loading interface module

2024-06-12 08:32:57.665 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     interface:<module>: Loading MQTT module

2024-06-12 08:32:57.932 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     interface:<module>: MQTT module loaded

2024-06-12 08:32:59.188 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: Loading udi_interface module

2024-06-12 08:32:59.191 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: Loading node module

2024-06-12 08:32:59.192 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: Loading custom module

2024-06-12 08:32:59.192 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: Loading isy module

2024-06-12 08:32:59.193 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: Loading OAuth module

2024-06-12 08:32:59.196 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI interface initialized

2024-06-12 08:32:59.196 MainThread udi_interface      INFO     __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.3.12 Starting...

2024-06-12 08:32:59.300 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: Traceback (most recent call last):

2024-06-12 08:32:59.301 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560c24_4/roomba-poly.py", line 19, in <module>

2024-06-12 08:32:59.302 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: from roomba import Roomba

2024-06-12 08:32:59.303 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/000db9560c24_4/roomba.py", line 42, in <module>

2024-06-12 08:32:59.305 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: from collections import Mapping

2024-06-12 08:32:59.306 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: ImportError

2024-06-12 08:32:59.306 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: :

2024-06-12 08:32:59.306 MainThread udi_interface      ERROR    udi_interface:write: cannot import name 'Mapping' from 'collections' (/usr/local/lib/python3.11/collections/__init__.py)





The Roomba plug-in won't work with Python 3.11 (or 3.10).  Starting with version 3.10, Python removed support for a feature that the plug-in relies on.


Any plans on a work around?  I'm a C++/Assembly programmer, so my sympathies with Python.  My Roombas need light to navigate and it was sort of nice to script it all.


Yes, at some point I'll have time to investigate the issue more and hopefully find a fix.  I'm pretty busy with other things right now so I don't have a timeline yet.

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