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Ubiquity will require MFA starting July 22, breaks unifipresence


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In preparation for ubiquity starting to require multi factor authorization on 7/22 I enabled it. Unfortunately when I restarted my EISY, the Unifipresence plugin could no longer log in to my Unifi controller.


I understand that this plugin no longer has support but I was hoping there might be some workaround to feed an MFA token in maybe via a configuration variable?


Any thoughts? This was the best way I could find to tell EISY when I was home or not.



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I didn't enable  multi factor authorization but I understand that it will default to sending a code to my registered email. I'm not sure if that would have any effect on my Unifi presence as I have set up a user id specifically for the eisy. My config only has local information. Does multi factor authorization pertain to local login to the controller or just their web access?

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